Chapter 9

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As they continued travelling, the fog around them grew to the point the ground was almost unnoticeable.

The mammoths were up ahead with the possums keeping Ellie comfortable, but would scatter around the herd.

Hazel paced in between Diego and Sid as they travelled behind until she heard the sloth gasped loudly and turned back to see him clutching between his legs in pain.

"Watch out, there's a stump!" One of the brothers called out to him, as the sloth let out a raspy "not anymore,"

"Ow," Hazel cringed and went over to walk beside Diego, noticing Manny walking beside Ellie, letting out a small sigh of relief.

Although it seemed that the possums were telling him off, which was pretty understanding to her, due to what she make of their words, at least his trying to apologize and resolve whatever the issue was.

"Those possums aren't exactly subtle are they?" She muttered to Diego, who turned towards her.

"They couldn't, even if they tried." He simply replied, making them both chuckle.

"Jee," They both turned to Sid who'd walked up beside them, still sounding a little raspy. "You two sure have gotten along."

"Sid, we've been getting along this entire time," Hazel replied, "what are you talking about?"

"I know that," He reassures, "but I mean a lot more than before,"

"Is..." She looks over at Diego briefly before turning back to the sloth. "Is this about earlier?"

"Sid just because that's the case that doesn't mean anything." Diego quickly remarks, getting her to nod in agreement.

"Okay," Sid states quickly with a wave of his claw, "but maybe it's more than you think,"

"Jeez," Letting out a huge sigh, she quickly informs, "I'm going to talk to Ellie," and begins walking away as she finishes with; "see what the issue between her and Manny is,"

Just as she was about to call her out, out of nowhere, the ground beneath them all gave way viciously, making them instantly panic.

Hazel found herself tumbling down the ground and clutched her claw onto a platform on the top, taking sharp, shaky breaths as she tried to process what was happening.

Sid had jumped and grabbed onto Diego, making his attempt to keep himself on the ledge harder than it already was, especially with the mammoths frantically moving above.

"Stop moving!!" He yelled out loudly as he tried to stay on the ledge and soon enough they had finally stopped moving, which in turn made the rocks stop moving.

"Thank you~"

He'd spoken too soon, and a rock below had given way, making the entire platform shift violently.
Sid had lost his grip on Diego and grabbed onto a ledge of a rock platform below.

From the amount of shifting and movement, the ground in between Manny and Ellie began to crack, which Diego noticed.

"Manny, Ellie!" He yelled out, "Lock trunks!!"

The mammoths both gazed at each other, giving each other a dead glare as Ellie let out an audible "hmp!"


They both quickly locked trunks, glaring at each other as they kept the two sides of the rocks together, doing it mainly to keep their own friends or family alive.

"Crash! Eddie! Grab onto that ledge!"

The brothers looked at the ledge that was nearing, than down to see the never-ending fall below them.

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