Chapter 7

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After reaching the forest, the herd walked for a bit, only to stop when they heard some noises and saw a log, which had the possums rolling down the hill beside them.

Soon after, came Ellie riding on a log right behind them.

The first log was immediately bolted by a tree, preventing them from going any further, unlike the log Ellie was on which just rolled over not only the other log, but the tree as well.

"No brakes, gotta roll!;" She cried out as she continued rolling down the hill, "meet you at the other end!!"

Silence fell between the herd as the eyed the retreating figure before Manny questioned, "So, you think she's the girl for me?"

"Oh yeah, she's tons of fun, and you're no fun at all." Sid declared with confidence, making Manny look down at him with a shocked frown. "She, completes you,"

Crash and Eddie came stumbling out of the log, trying to high five each other but failed miserably.

"Hey, Hey Manny!!" Crash called him out loudly, quickly climbing up the tree. "Can you pull back the tree and shoot me into the point?!"

"No," Manny replied bluntly as he continued to walk pass them.

"Oh, come on~"

"And," Sid yelled out as he ran after the mammoth, "how do you expect to impress her with that attitude?"

Manny stopped and glared down at the sloth, "I don't wanna impress her!"

"Then why are you trying so hard to convince her that she's a mammoth?" Sid questioned smugly.

"Because that's what she is!" Manny remarked loudly, "I don't care if she's a possum, you can't be a two things!"

"Au contraire, my, frr-iend!;" He quickly stated, quickly holding up his hand to count his claws as he stated each creature; "Tell that to the bullfrog, the chicken hawk or turtle-dove!"

"He's never gonna let up on you," Diego adds, "It'll be easier if you just go with it!"

Hazel eyed the group curiously as Sid smirked up at the mammoth, who just groaned defeatedly with a glare before walking back to the tree where the possums were chilling.

"So uh, what do you want me to do?"

"Pull back the tree," Crash began, racing to the top of the branch and pointed up ahead with a grin, "and shoot me into the pond!"

Manny just eyed the possum suspiciously; "I don't know..."

"Well," The possum leaned against the tree as he looked at his nonexistent nails, "If you're too lame to do it, we could get Ellie,"

A quick "No no no!;" came from Manny as Crash looked down at him, "No I can do it, I can do it,"

He soon grabbed part of the branch and began dragging it down, which made Crash very excited.

"Have you done this before?" Manny stops and raises a brow at the possum curiously,

"Ha" Crash lets out, answering the question with a loud confident, "Over a million times!!"

Hazel slowly grew a sinking feeling as she watched Manny continue pulling the branch down till it touched the ground. "Perfect!"

"His definitely going to hurt himself," She groaned loudly to no one in particular.

"Fire!!" Crash proclaimed loudly, and soon enough, Manny stepped off the branch and there went the possum as he was blasted off. The worried look Eddie soon expressed confirmed that sinking feeling Hazel felt.

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