December Part I
There was something about lazy mornings, when the sun had barely crept over the horizon, the air was cool and misty, and not even the chattiest birds were awake to sing their songs. The peace and quiet allowed for those bundled under warm duvets in their beds to rest longer without interruption, dreaming blissfully...
He grinned as a crash sounded from Chaeyoung's room, and she stumbled out, metal baseball bat in hand. Upon blearily noticing that there were no intruders, and the noise was merely coming from an over-excited, Santa-hat wearing June, she unleashed a string of profanities in trigedasleng under her breath.
Jennie, likewise, stumbled out of her room, rubbing tiredly at her eyes before shooting a glare in June's direction, though the exuberant boy paid no mind.
"June," Jennie groaned, "It is four o'clock in the morning on a Tuesday, why did you feel the need to wake us up?"
"So we can watch Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever before school starts, duh." He said it as though the answer was the most simple thing in the world, and quickly dropped to the floor as the metal baseball bat flew over his head.
"So that's a no?" he teased, and Jennie looked skyward.
"I'm so moving to the guest house," she grumbled, and June rolled his eyes.
"So that's a no on the movie then?"
The matching groans that reached his ears were answer enough, and June shrugged, making sure his santa hat was still properly situated on his head, before trekking in the direction of the in-home theatre to watch it himself.
Jennie and Chaeyoung were no fun.
Jisoo had always been a fan of being prepared for things so, as a byproduct of that, she always did her Christmas shopping ridiculously early.
It also helped to avoid large crowds, which were often unsettling for her, and just generally relieved a lot of stress from Jisoo's life, as well as the people she managed to drag to the mall with her, which this year consisted of Lisa, Suho, and Irene.
"Oh my god, Jisoo, you made a list?"
It was Lisa's first time accompanying the others, as she usually slept through the times Jisoo designated for Christmas shopping, and didn't know how things went down, and Jisoo rolled her eyes at the other girl.
"Of course I made a list, Lis," Jisoo sighed, "I've been planning your presents weeks in advance, because I want to make sure I get you all something that you actually appreciate. How else does someone go Christmas shopping?"
"I was just gonna wing it," Lisa admitted with a shrug, and Suho laughed.
"Of course you were."
"What's that supposed to mean, Suho?"
Jisoo and Irene shared a knowing look as the duo began to tease each other back and forth. Their dynamic had shifted visibly since the party at Jennie's and the almost kiss. Though she hadn't really been focusing on it at the time, Jisoo hadn't forgotten the way Suho had charged into the room after Lisa and Chaeyoung, hadn't been blind to the marks covering the trio's necks afterwards. She wasn't going to ask them about it, though, because it appeared as though they were figuring it out on their own, but Jisoo knew it was more than just casual sex.
"Alright, we can go together to get stuff for Chanyeol, Xiumin, and Sehun, because they aren't here, and then we'll have to split up to buy each other's presents, okay?"