Valentine's Day Special

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Valentine's Day Special

Prompt: In a very cracky, humorous take on Valentine's Day, nothing goes right for poor Jisoo and Jennie.


It was Jisoo and Jennie's first valentine's day away from their families (read: parental supervision), so naturally, it was supposed to defy all expectations and go down in history as the greatest, most romantic day ever.

Both girls had casually discussed the basis of what they wanted to do. They both agreed on a romantic dinner at home, and that they wouldn't be going out. That was it,those were the only rules. Everything else was a secret, held by each of the girls as they planned, shopped, and prepared to woo each other.

Unfortunately, the holiday was landing on a school day, and while Jennie's coach had mysteriously gotten a fever, they still had school to worry about it.

The morning began, for Jennie, at six in the morning, her body used to waking her up around that time every day. She made it her routine to wake up, sneak out of bed for a run, and then come back an hour later to wake her love for school.

Except, this time, she'd planned on stopping at the farmer's' market for a fresh breakfast and of course, some roses for Jisoo. She smirked to herself as she thought of Jisoo's awed smile as she accepted the flowers.

Jennie was getting laid tonight.

However, Jennie's smug smile was wiped clean off her face when she slipped out of bed, turning to face Jisoo's sleeping figure as she stretched.

Jisoo was gone.

Panic immediately set in. Jisoo was never up early. What had happened? The bathroom was empty. Had she been kidnapped? Had she left in the night?

Jennie took a breath, readying herself to bolt out the door in search of her, when she felt two arms slip around her waist, lips pressing against her neck.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Her favorite voice in the world rasped.

Jennie immediately relaxed, sinking back into the arms around her, until she realized the hand around her was holding a bouquet of wildflowers, wrapped in brown paper. They were dazzling: an assortment of every color Jennie could imagine.

Jisoo woke up early to get her favorite flowers.

Jennie's heart was hammering in her chest like a jackhammer, and she was blushing like a pathetic schoolgirl.

Jisoo gave her a squeeze, lips brushing her ear as she murmured, "Happy Valentine's Day. I don't care if it's a total commercial holiday. You deserve to be celebrated more often."

Jennie melted, already feeling emotional. Tears welled in her eyes, and Jennie wanted to berate herself for crying so damn early into the day.

Jisoo turned, moving to hand Jennie the flowers, but paused when she saw the tears. "Aww." She chuckled, setting the flowers on the bed to cup Jennie's cheeks. Jennie took in Jisoo's outfit, appreciating how early she got ready just to give her a gift. Her vision blurred with the unshed tears and she wore a shy smile. "It the mighty Commander touched?" She teased lightly. Jisoo adored how soft and sentimental Jennie really was, underneath her arrogant, cocky, previously-playboy facade. It was adorable, to her.

"Thank you." Jennie whispered, leaning into Jisoo's palm against her cheek.

Jisoo laughed. "Baby, I'm just getting started." She leaned forward, drawing Jennie's lips into a soft kiss. Jennie's lips were one of her sexiest features, in Jisoo's humble opinion. It made kissing her that much sweeter, and more difficult to let go.

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