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I Don't own Harry Potter or twilight just this plot, this is my first try in writing a FanFiction and English is not my mother language so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy
Harry Potter "the Boy-who-lived" was relaxing on his sofa in the living room in Grimmauld Place and thinking about the last few months. It was now about half a year since the dreadful war has ended, since then things changed but
Harry couldn't decide if regarding him for better or worse.

After the war the magical world treated him like Merlin himself, leaving him without even a bit of privacy, everything he did was on the papers, not always correct either. Most of Death Eaters were capture within few weeks after the battle some were even killed, he would know he helped.
Hogwarts started teaching again even changing the schoolcirulum, they upgraded the Muggle studies and added a few new subjects as well as new teachers especially for history of magic and potion. The Ministry was safer now the Wizagmot passt a lot of laws to make it sure a new Dark Lord couldn't so easily corrupt the government as well as make a few laws that were more pro-magical races and Muggleborns but still safe for everyone.

And now he was sitting on a sofa by himself and thinking about his life and the life of his family in all but blood. Mrs.Weasley all but nagged at him to settle down with a girl preferably her daughter Ginny and she wasn't even listening when he tried to explain to her that he and Ginny will always be just friends.
Hermione was nonstop telling him to go to school or find something to do besides brooding at home and spending time with Teddy his godson. Ron was constantly asking when he is going to join him in the Auror forces, even thought he kept refusing each time. But worst of all was Ginny who didn't take "no" for an answer. She keeps visiting him and asking when they will go back together and when he will propose to her, she planned their whole future not even listening to his explanation that they won't be anything ever again.
Even if he wasn't gay which he was, Ginny just can't accept that and her own mother is not helping in the slightest.

All other people wanted something from him as well not caring that maybe he was tired, not really healed from the war or that he just didn't agree with them, the only people who seems to unterstand are Luna and Neville who are the only people who seems to listen to him and even support him in wanting a break from everything especially the Wizarding world. Harry came to the conclusion that he needed a break, he needed to go away somewhere where the British wizards won't find him. When laying and thinking the idea of hiding in the muggle word in another country pop into his mind, preferably where English is the first language which leaves America, New Zealand or Australia.

He thought about it a bit more and decided he will find a small town in America since the country is larger and with different climates, he likes it colder. In that moment in to his living room flew a brown large official looking owl with a single official looking letter from Gringotts.

Harry wondered why Gringotts would send him a letter since he didn't have much in there. He took the letter and the owl flew off without Harry even offering her treats. Opening it and reading he had a feeling of dread in his gut.

Dear Mr. Potter,

we Gringotts would like to speak to you personally and as soon as possible regarding your inheritance as well as a few other things that came to light. We also want to deeply apologize for our incompetence regarding your valuts.

You can come any time that is convenient for you. If you are unable to come here because of transportation problems that I'm glad to inform that this letter is also a port key, you have just to say "profit" and you will be in Gringotts, when you arrive show a teller that letter and you will be brought to me.

May gold flow and your enemies fall.

Lord Ragnarock

After reading it Harry decided that there is nothing like the present and why not go now so after putting on his cloak, he apparatet close to Gringotts.

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