Chapter 11

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Alice and Harry returned just in time for they next lessons which were two hours of P.E. with the whole group. Harry went in to the changing rooms, took his clothes and found a free toilet to change since he didn't exactly like to change in front others with all his scars. Since Hogwarts didn't have any kind of P.E. and his years in primary school weren't the best he didn't know what to except. Looking around the hall he noticed girls eyeing him which made him uncomfortable and wanting to hide. Edward was standing with his siblings on the other half and observing the Beauty. Noticing the uncomfortable and tense stance, listening to few of the girls he couldn't blame him, some have really creative thoughts. Few minutes of standing around the teacher came and gave them instructions to run three laps and then form two teams for dodgeball.

On the one half were standing Isabella, Mike, Alice, Emmet, Harry and few others and the other Jasper, Edward, Rosalie, Angela and other classmates. After about 10 minutes of playing there were only 5 people left. On the one side Harry Alice and Emmet on the other Jasper and Edward. For the vamps that was new normally they were the only ones able to keep with each other. At the end of the game it was Edward vs. Harry, everyone was surprised by his quick reflexes and dodging skills. Playing for further five minutes Harry seems to be in luck and catching Edward of guard hit him with the ball in the shoulder. Some of his classmates were clapping other looking a bit awed and for the vamps it was a nice change.

Harry's POV

changing back and taking mine bag I make my way to my car and decide to go grocery shopping since I have nothing at home.
Finding a grocery store in such a small town wasn't really hard. Taking everything with me I need or would like to eat my basket is full by the time I'm in the line to pay. After shopping when arriving home I cooked myself some pasta for dinner and some cookies for dessert.

Now relaxing on my couch in the living room with one of my books on different magic I reflect on my day and its wasn't as bad as I imagine. Thank Merlin for my experience in Quidditch and war or I wouldn't be able to keep up with this vamps. I'm still very curious about the difference between them and the magical ones if they are any. I wonder if they even know about the magical world, maybe I could befriend them or at least some of them and reveal I know about them and mean no harm, just real curiosity? Alice would be the easiest to befriend and if they have gifts like I heard some to have she is definitely like Luna. The female Blond's gift is definitely her beauty, the bulky one maybe strength since he has so many muscles, the others must have no one or some that aren't noticeable. Jasper looks like he is in pain all the time means he isn't that long on they diet and has the worst restraint or hasn't accepted who he became. Maybe I could make some blood pops and give it to him, something to ponder about. Noticing the time I ate my dinner and went to bed, knowing sleep won't last long for me.

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