Chapter 4

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The Floo flared green and three people that Harry really didn't want to see came through. Ron and Hermione looked furious and Ginny looked like end of the world will happen anytime. He knew he couldn't hide from the confrontation but he had hoped he wouldn't be here anymore when they discover the debt. Well here we go.
" good afternoon. What are you all doing here?" they looked at him and he wondered who will speak first.

"Harry James Potter how could you take our money back! After everything we did for and with you! That was the least what you could do for us!" at the end of her speech Hermione looked like Molly when she's angry. "That's right you ungrateful brat! We could have died because we were you friends! You have enough money to give some away! Now you will go with us and give it all back, not to mention you broke my sister's heart! How could you void the contract! She is too good for you!" after screaming in Harry's face, Ron looked like a tomato, he didn't know that was what Ron was thinking about him but if Ron was paid to befriend him, he should have guessed, everything what they ever said to him was a lie.

Here comes the third and the most bothersome one. She teared her eyes a bit, puffs her chest more and looked at Harry like a lost puppy but now he can clearly see that all that is just an act.
The rumors about her whoring around are probably true as well.

" Har-ry how could you break it like that! I love you! I planned our wedding already! You can't do that to me after I waited for you that long! And what about the baby? You will leave me and him or her alone?"

Now Harry was shocked he looked at her disgusted, because they didn't sleep with one another and even if there were a baby he wouldn't let them manipulate him like that! So he told them just that but in a very calm emotionless voice.

"Ron, Hermione you were my first friends I trusted you I would give you almost everything you wanted and I died for you, I actually did. Only to discover I was lied to since day one. You were never my friends, paid to do, everything you told me was a lie. How do you think I felt discovering that my mentor, mother figure and friends are stealing from me and dosing me with Potions and spells?
I never asked you to go somewhere with me I actually always told you to stay because you could get hurt but you never listened. And you Ginny disgust me. How many times do I have to tell you we won't be together before you understand that? That act is not going to work on me anymore, we haven't slept with each other. If you are really pregnant then it isn't mine. Rumors say you whore yourself around Hogwarts, the last few weeks with Dean so it's probably his. Now I don't want to see any of you a minute more and I want you to stay away from me.

I, Hadrian James Potter cast all unwanted guests from my home and forbid them entrance."

Right after Harry said that there was a glow and the three intruders were cast away and he could finish his packing and write the letter for the daily prophet but since Ginny is possibly pregnant and he didn't want her saying it's his and he left her, he should inform the twins and Dean, maybe goblins.

Few hours later Harry was packed, all letters were send, daily prophet will print his letter in the edition when he is on the plane without worries. After taking a bath and eating dinner he could finally go to sleep, next day he had to rise early since the plane won't wait for him. That night Harry slept for the first time more peacefully than in the last two years. Still restless but without waking up screaming in cold sweat.
He didn't know what awaits him in his new home and how his life was about to change.

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