Chapter 10

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"Blabla" -Talking
Italics- thinking
Bold italics-letters,articles etc.
I know the timelines aren't exactly matching from this story's so please don't pay that much attention to the dates.
Edward's POV

Finding my siblings at our table in the school cafeteria I search for our new student to find him at a table with Bella and her friends. Turning to my siblings "and did any of you had some classes with him?" The first one to speak was Rose who did surprise me with her answer " yes. I had these last two block with him English, he is cute and tense also his presence is somehow soothing, I don't even feel any desire to drain him." Seeing the others just as surprised I turnt towards Jasper when he began to speak. "I had him in History, his feelings are muted but I still can feel them, he was nervous, a bit existed and under all that there was under laying emotional pain that would bring me to tears if it were possible and his feeling unmuted. Also there is this feeling of familiarity and next to him I didn't have problems with mine thirst. He was studying me, was curious and noticed my scars."

Well that is surprising as well. Going back to watching him and hearing the voices of the people around him I almost laugh at his expression of not wanting to be there and itching away from Jessica. Noticing his eyes land on our table I hear Jessica's thoughts of course he notices the Cullens, why can't he pay attention to me, in a second he will ask about them and I will just have to make them look bad.
Knowing what was coming I gestured to my siblings since we all always tense at the rumors about our family. I hear them talking and thinking well besides two. "Who are they?" Asked the emerald Beauty with a curious glint in his eyes and it had to be Bella who answers "Oh. This are they Cullens they don't socialize very much. The tall one with auburn hair is my ex-boyfriend but it's only temporary break."

Harrison didn't look convinced but didn't comment either. Knowing it was Jessica's time to shine "the blond girl is Roseline Hale and the blond guy her twin Jasper Hale, next to them the bulky one is Emmet Cullen and the short girl Alice Cullen and the last one like Bella said her ex-boyfriend Edward Cullen. "
Harrison looked interest and it looked like he was studying us and finding some amusement about Rose and Jasper being twins from the looks of it, Jessica continues even though he doesn't pay close attention to her "well they are all adopted and they are all together together like Rose and Emmet also Alice with Jasper. Apparently Mrs. Cullen can't have children so she and her husband adopted them all" disgusting isn't it?

If I could I would have tore her a part, she told him that in a voice that said all she was thinking but didn't notice Harrison to freeze in the middle of her sentence or his eyes turning icy when he turns towards her, his voice was not louder then above a whisper but we could still hear him and it was emotionless and cold "Is there something wrong with being adopted? Some children never experience that privilege. You have no right to talk like that about a woman who adopted and gave five children a loving home. Just because she is barren it doesn't make her any less a woman if anything she is above them because she took strangers into her home and loved them like her own and not many people can do that.

And you are a vile immature girl who never experienced any hardship and doesn't appreciate what she has. It's their life they can do what they like with it and frankly it's not your damn business, find yourself a hobby instead to gossip about everyone around you. And you Miss Swan should say something about the slender you friend does to the family you personally came to know, if not you are not being any better then her, now excuse me." He turn around and walk out the cafeteria. The room was silent and every pair of eyes were watching Jessica that was in some kind of shock. I look towards my siblings and see they were touched and impressed by his mini speech. I look at Alice and I nod.

Harry's POV

Going in front of the school for the rest of my lunchtime I need some air. Sitting on a bench I slowly calm down and berate myself for drowning attention to me but not regretting any words I said.
I noticed someone sitting himself next to me turning toward the person I'm surprised it's the pixie like vamp.
" Hello. I'm Alice Cullen. I would like to thank you for defending our mother like that, not many do that in such a small town like this." Searching her eyes I notice she is like Luna or at least that's the feeling I get from her. " you don't have to thank me. It's the truth and the right think to do even if others don't see it like that. I know what it means to be alone and having a family regardless of the blood relation, who cares about you is a blessing."

Saying that I look ahead of us lost in the painful memories of the past. She smiles at me and hugs me if she knew I needed it "you will find what you seek. And you know we will be the best of friends for a long time" her eyes spoke about mischief, yes that was definitely Luna like persons. " you remind me of one of my closest friend, you two would get along just great. Don't you have to return to you siblings?" Nodding and bringing me with her she asked about my timetable. Well who would thought I would make friends with a muggle veggie seer alike vampire, ah only me, only me.

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