Chapter 6

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"Blabla"- Talking
I'm sorry for not updating this fic but I was stuck how to best go with the plot. I know there are similarities between other fanfics but that's because I read so many of them. Please give me feedbacks. Enjoy!
Harry's POV

Entering the High School of Forks it felt more like a prison I mean the building looks like someone just took some containers and stuck them together. The inside was not better at least it had some colors even if they were ugly. Finding the school office wasn't hard since on the door in big blue letters was exactly that SCHOOL OFFICE. Going in I smiled a small charming smile at the lady behind the desk who looked like she used all the makeup she had "Good Afternoon Ma'am I would like to entroll here. I think there should already be some of my paperwork here. My name is Harrison James Potter-Black." Looking at me as if she couldn't believe a teenager could be that polite she answers " Oh. Of course just yesterday came all of your paperwork that's needed to entroll. Here you have to sign, I understand that you are emancipated?"

She looks up at me and I only nod "alright, so here are the classes you can choose, it has to be at least 6 of them, when you choose I will give you your timetable and a slip where you have to collect all the signatures of all you teachers and then gave it back to me at the end of the week." Taking all the paperwork from her I choose History, English, Biology II, P.E. , Economics, Psychology and Maths. Giving it to her I wait until she makes the timetable. After a minute or two she gives it to me and wishes me a good day. Going to my car I feel like something unexpected will happen on Monday.


Meantime back in London:

Early in the morning eating breakfast every Wizarding family that reads the Daily Prophet had the shock of their lives but some of them were quite satisfied with the article and thought that it was due time someone told the truth. But not everyone was happy about what they read.

Shock to the Wizarding world
by Rita Skeeter

Hello my dear readers,

A few days ago I had the shock of my carrier. I received a rather long letter with exact instructions from no one else then our own Savior Harry James Potter. He told me to publish his letter without changing it in today's paper. After reading said letter I don't know what I should feel but read for yourself first my dears:

To the Wizarding world,

Since everyone thinks I'm a public figure who can't have his privacy nor peace I will tell you everything you don't want to hear and give even proof for these that won't believe.

This world is so biased, prejudiced and behind that is a wonder it still exists. When I was 11 and first time I heard about our world I was so excited to know I was special, a wizard and not a "freak" like some muggles like to say but when I entered it I was so disappointed.
The first thing I hear is how one of the houses in the school I'm going to go is bad and evil and I shouldn't want to go there even though the hat wanted to put me exactly there but since two people I met told me it was evil and the one who wanted to go there was mean I asked it to put me somewhere else. It is sad that in a school where children should be safe, developing, growing and learning how to work together , how to interact and so many things instead learn that adults won't listen to them, some people are better then others, if you are liked be the teachers or headmaster and did something wrong your won't face any consequences, one House is better and good then the others. Now we all are wondering why we have so many conflicts, why we have so many problems.
The houses of our school are just that houses, there shouldn't be such a fierce hostility between two houses, children shouldn't think others are evil, they are 11 at that age your can't be evil. Our government is not better so many prejudiced in people who are making laws and decisions for our world. Magic is Magic. There isn't Light or Dark, good or evil, that are the humans. With magic intent is the most important thing. I could kill with a first year spell and heal with a dark one. Of course there should be restrictions but not on magic but on the people and what they do with said magic. This restrictions is what develops madman's like Voldemort and the conflicts we have. The creature laws are what made them choose to follow a madman cause they didn't have a choice, what does our government offer them? Nothing. Werewolves are Wizards with an illness, most of the time they are ordinary like everyone else.
Speak with the creatures, really look at them and you will see Magical Races and not creatures, they deserve the same rights as wizards, because we are all children of Lady Magic.

Blood status is bullshit, you all look the same you all are the same what is important is the magic. The most powerful people in our world are half bloods: Albus Dumbledore, Thomas Riddle a.k.a Voldemort, Severus Snape and me, Harry James Potter to name a few. Pureblood's produce with time more squibs and fewer children because they inbred. We need the fresh blood of the Muggleborns they come mostly from squibs lines that redeemed themselves to Lady magic. They too should have the same rights but also they should choose if they want to be wizard and witches or muggles.

This world should be hidden from muggles and we aren't them, we should all celebrate our own holidays and thank lady magic for our gifts and not the holidays of someone who would burn as on a stake. The old ways are important and should be taught all children in school. Muggleborns should be taken to our world earlier then 11. What about the orphans? The abused? Our school needs new curriculum! Think about it all, look around you, talk to someone you would never, hear the other side of the argument, make compromises, ask questions, research and have solid proof, CHANGE because time never stands still so we can't as well.
I started to make the changes I opened and funded three things: the war fund "in our hearts", the orphanage "Marauder's home" and the primary school  "Lily's house of knowledge". Now it's your turn to think for yourselves and do something and not wait until someone else does.

Harrison James Potter-Black
Lord of Houses
Potter, Black, Gryffindor,
Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hale

After reading that my dear readers I have to say I felt ashamed because it's hard not to agree with what our savior said but that's not everything what he wanted us to know. Here is another statement but shorter and more private.

This here is my last statement on my privat life!

First I didn't know about our world until I was 11 and I didn't know about my standing as a heir or lord until a few days ago therefore I wish to apologize to every single person I unintentionally offended. My heritage was hidden from me, my personality and even looks was forcefully changed and magic and abilities blocked by none other then our school's headmaster and my so called "friends", I have proof from Gringotts. From today onwards Molly, Ronald and Ginevra Weasley, Hermione Granger and finally Albus Dumbledore are People I start a blood feuds with. I don't want to see or hear either one from you, what you did is almost worst what Voldemort did because with him I always knew he was the enemy.

Second if Ginevra Weasley states she is pregnant with my child, she lies.
I never slept with anyone not to mention I'm gay and wouldn't touch her with a stick.
And lastly I'm moving from England I wish to find peace so please let me.
I still can be contacted through Gringotts but not every mail will be send to me. I need a break. Thank you!
H. J. Potter-Black

And that was the last statement from our hero. I and no doubt many more wish him everything good and that he finds what he looks for.
And we should think carefully about what we want to do.

Rita Skeeter

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