Chapter 13

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Jasper and Harry have both different classes after the one together, they decide to meet again at lunch. Going to their respective classes both felt like they made some kind of new bond.

Harrison has now biology with Edward and Isabella. It's the first time he has that class, going into the classroom he notices two students arguing with the teacher "Mr.T please there are other free places and desks." the voice of a male definitely Edward pleas. Deciding to interrupt the argument "Ehm Excuse me! I'm the new student, Harrison Potter-Black." All three heads turn towards him although all with different expressions, the teacher looks relieved, Isabella annoyed and trying not to show it and Edward looks somehow joyful. "Aah yes, Mr.Potter-Black welcome welcome. I'm Mr.T, please take a sit next to Mr.Cullen here and that way you help me solve this issue here. And you Miss Swan please take one of the free seats." says Mr.T and turns to his lessons plans and books. Now Edward smiles at Harry and beckons him to follow into the first row and Isabella lefts with a huff to the free seat next to Mike.

Edward's POV

Going to my seat with Harrison following I can't contain my smile for the opportunity to learn more about this Beauty. Turning toward him and offering my Hand to shake "Hey. My name is Edward Cullen, welcome to Forks." he takes unsurely my hand to shake and smiles hesitantly " Hi! I'm Harrison as your already heard. Thanks, it's actually quite nice. Your are Jasper brother aren't you?" Well I don't have to ask how he likes it here anymore, hmm he spoke to Jasper that's new. " yes I'm his little brother. You spoke to him?" Taking my books out seeing as Harrison did the same he slowly answers "yes, I just had two blocks with him and we spent the time to know each other better. He offered to eat with you and your siblings, if you don't mind of course" he looks at me so unsure of himself it's almost cute. Although it's strange for Jasper to start a friendship or offer to sit with us. Seeing as he still waits for my answer I smile brightly at him "that's not a problem, although as you already noticed my family and me isolate ourselves from the others. So how is the difference between here and your hometown?" Well isolating ourselves is maybe not the best description even though he seems amused by it. "My hometown, it's difficult to say since I was born in West Country, raised in Surrey and went to school in Scotland but all three places aren't that different from here, also small and rather cold and rainy. I like it that way, never felt good in high temperatures. Besides that, the schools are very different but that's because my last was a private one and it had it's own rules. Since it was a castle it was beautiful and this one looks like someone didn't know what he actually wanted to do." Laughing at that comment because he was right, Forks high was an ugly building. "I can't argue with that comment. So what made you move? Your parents job?" at this question his amusement disappears and he looks more sad but answers nonetheless " No. My parents died when I was 15 months old. In England I'm already of age and here I'm actually emancipated. I moved alone here needed a change of scenery, a chance to find my place you know." Smiling softly at me I nodded since everyone needs to find where they belong. "I'm sorry about your parents." I didn't know what else to say to him. " it was a long time ago." even though it's true his eyes seems to hold some strange feeling. After that we don't talk much and actually do what we should in Bio. Finally the Bell rings and we both go to the lunchroom.

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