Chapter 3

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Please comment how you like it as well as for the mistakes I'm sure I make. But please no flames !

At the moment a few people were very unhappy people. Molly, Ginny and Ron Weasley as well as one Hermione Granger just came out of the Bank fuming and mumbling about ungrateful brats. Just mere minutes before these three found out they didn't have anymore money because all their savings were given to the person it was stolen from.

The goblins didn't even listen to them when they tried to explain that they have the right to take it since Albus Dumbledore himself told them so. Now they not only don't have any money but have a debt to take care off. The group was also informed that they were under investigation from DMLE for theft, poison as well as attempt on line theft. What an utter rubbish! They couldn't believe that, that little brat did that to them after all what they have done for him. It's time to confront that ungrateful brat all three of them thought.

In Hogwarts a Headmaster was furiously pacing in his office thinking about a solution to his problem in this case a little savior that found about all what he had done. Now all his plans were in vain since the marriage contract was null and void. It really wasn't his day.

In different places four people were reading letters and thinking about their responses. Since they all always support their brother in all but blood all wish him a safe journey and told him to stay in touch.

Harry himself was packing all the books he could find also the infamous Black library. Right that moment he remembered he had one last thing to do that he didn't know what to expect.
He has to summon Death.

Sitting in library on a cushion chair taking a huge breath and slowly letting go he said in a quiet but firm voice feeling stupid. "I Hadrian James Potter, Master of Death summon you" opening his eyes and waiting thinking it in fact wasn't working he had almost a heart attack when suddenly a dark cloaked thin figures appeared before him or more like stood in air and stared speaking in a whisper like raspy voice kind of emotionless still somehow with excitement.

"Finally My Master calls for me. I know you don't understand so let me explain. You were my master since the moment you were born. It's in your blood, the last branch of the peverell family and you are in possession of all the deathly hallows. As my master you don't have much to do sometimes you help me with soul collecting or separating or when the balance is too much distributed you help restore the it. Now as to the consequences of being my master. Immortality, you can't die at least as long as I don't want you to or as long as the hallows see your worthy so for a very long time. You stopped aging as well, means you will be forever 17, isn't it fantastic? Questions? If not I wish to rest."

Harry kept staring at Death not really trusting his voice, finally registering everything Death said he just shook his head and Death disappeared with a final nod. Receiving the shock of his life he decided he needed a drink, a strong one. He never thought he would be immortal he never wished for that and it creates just more problems for him but for now and possibly for a next few years he will just forget about his new ability.

Sitting in his living-room with fire whiskey again, three owls arrived with the replies of his true friends.

First are the twins

Dear baby Brother,

We knew they weren't good friends but we never knew they stood that low! How could our own family do such a despicable thing! We know we should probably first ask but we had to tell dad about it since it could have a negative effect on him but just him!
And we didn't tell anything about your move which we wholeheartedly approve of, maybe you will even find yourself a handsome and sexy guy! ;)
You have to write to us at least once a month. We hope you will have much fun and find the peace you so strongly need. We will miss you but we will be visiting.

Love you
You big brother Fred&Georg

Next letters.

Dear Harry,

I can't believe what they did, are they even aware that, that could be charged as attempted line theft in our world, that's very serious! Don't worry you
still have us and we will always support you. Yes! I'm very glad I took that opportunity since I really love my plants and teaching is actually very enjoyable. I really hope you find what you are yearning for. Write at least once a moth I will do the same of course and I will visit on some holiday!
Be safe!

Love you
You godbrother! Neville

Dear big brother,

The nargels are coming your way. I knew Weasel and know-it-all as well as the old goat meant bad things the blue pichdokkers told me, you know!
But don't worry there where you are going you will find a home and your hearts desire. Of course I will come visit you I heard there are some fascinating creatures to discover. Write often because I will miss you.

Love you
Your sister Luna

Right after reading the letters and taking them away in to his trunk the floo flared green and three people who harry didn't want to see came trough.

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