03. Contact of the Royal Elite

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CHAPTER THREE: Contact of the Royal Elite

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CHAPTER THREE: Contact of the Royal Elite

"Ivan Torres does not deny nor does he confirm the rumours spreading of the involvement of Maximus Myers' pranks on specific students at the Queen City High school. Their closest friends on the Brag 'em Blog website, where many of the Elite members and their fans hear about their activities as well as new updates. As sadly to say as this is, many fans have been hearing about the pranks deliberated at the school by an anonymous blogger...and many questions now arise at the accusations being held against our infamous Royals." I say, aloud.

Stevens raises an eyebrow next to me, "I take it you are the anonymous blogger and the pranks made were only directed to those friends of yours, sweetheart?" He questions, raising an eyebrow.

I huff, "I had it handled."

The elevator dinged as we'd finally reached the Mercury suite, the most expensive and only private room on the highest floor, not even the Royal Elite could get their hands on a suite such as this. It's one of the most highest accommodated hotels on the Northern hemisphere. Stevens let's go of my small, childish act at trying to remove the possibility of the Royal Elite chancing another slice at my group.

The jacuzzi and twin shower heads were screaming my name as soon as we'd entered the room, many of my other men were already on the floor and inside, guarding all corners of my room.

"Is everything all in order, Jenkins?" Stevens demanded, reverting back to 'bodyguard-mode' and his protectiveness for me goes slightly further than the rest. Jenkins gives him a strict nod.

"Stevens, there's no need to worry." I try to reassure him, but he doesn't listen, still strict in following orders, maintaining security to its highest of standards and I know that that was my Father's doing. John Parker. Knowing the true differences between how my Father taught me compared to how my Mother did was an entertaining characteristic in both of them. Dad was strict, stuck straight to facts and conceptual understandings of the company, where Mom prioritised learning how to cook, remaining poised and professional. Dad did the same, but he did it with authority, Mom stuck to respect, kindness, compassion.

Dad was factual. All the way.

As is Stevens here.

"Sweetheart, I need to make sure there is a full sweep of the apartment to ensure Mr Dark-wood hasn't left his men behind, on purpose. We'll just be a minute, is there anything you would like, perhaps I can have the waiter bring up something? A hot chocolate?" I rolled my eyes, seeing as his protectiveness knows no bounds, he still stands considerate in offering me a chocolate treat before bed.

At the age of thirteen, my family's personal guard became a Father figure to me. Seen as Dad had already taught me the essential ways of the Parker's Computer Manufacturing and Software Designing Enterprise, Stevens taught me self defence, protection.

"Alright and yes, I would love a hot chocolate and a piece of the Black Forest cake." He smiled at me and nodded his head with a mirthful gaze sent in my direction, an old memory flashes in his eyes, Mom was the same, she liked her Black Forest cakes and Dad was a fanatic for a good tea.

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