05. Heard of a Russian Riot?

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CHAPTER FIVE: Heard of a Russian Riot?

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CHAPTER FIVE: Heard of a Russian Riot?

Six - Three - Zero

Why are these numbers of any vital importance?

It's six-thirty am at sunrise. Though, I wouldn't say I could visibly see the sun rise because black clouds, heavy rain and dangerous winds cascaded across the unreachable dome. These are but a few reasons of my sudden awakening, this early on a Monday.

I'd never smiled so big. I treasure every day the sky cracks its usually perfect and cherry surface, to give the world a clean slate. The surroundings of our planet even know when it's time to break free of its fabricated clutches and just let go.

That is why I'm smiling.

Even I can admit...this may be pretty rare.

It's beauty is purified with no added texture and no amount of make-up can cake the surface because it's beauty is it's own.

The same can be said for the Royal Elite. It's hard to say whether there's true beauty underneath the well-polished and replenished exterior. If everyone has a mask, what's real? and what's plastic?

Leaning against the rustic lockers, I take my precious time in reading Cassandra's report regarding the Australian's district production costs, in the statistical section. There were a few peaks and proportion declines 8 or so months back. I can not say I'm pleased to be notified this late in the peace. Any decline of any sort has been strictly instructed to notify me of the issues straight away. I use an open system as a business strategy in social communications, under the laws of my council and enterprise, Cassandra was expected to file a report regarding all business transactions and production costs and sales, to me, within a one month period.

I had gone over specific sections of the report, as well as her personal analysis on the affected matter. Her analysis is far too condensed, the excess production costs were above the average 10% range from the standard normal price and her reasoning behind the disruption in my almost impenetrable system is not adequate.

My happy morning just took a wrong turn and landed me on the ground, face-first in front of the Devil's gate, also known as 'the pit of hell'.

Practically ignoring my surroundings, I read through her expected production costs and compare them to those of my other districts. Hers is significantly higher.

"Poppy? Poppy! Are you even listening, Poppy?" I hear Diana's slightly annoyed voice in the background, my focus is solely on the cost range across every single one of my companies.

There's just a little over twenty-two teams across many states. My Australian community had a sudden increase in demand, in the last four months before sales gradually started decreasing. Meaning, Cassandra was managing my system during the time it was experiencing an unmistakable decline and did not inform the council or me, of the issue. I open up my email to send Jamison the report, to get his view on the matter, before my phone is taken right out of my hands.

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