08. The Puzzle that is Maximus Myers

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CHAPTER EIGHT: The Puzzle that is Maximus Myers

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CHAPTER EIGHT: The Puzzle that is Maximus Myers

I had a bad dream, could've been a nightmare. Though it could have been a memory combined with a nightmare. It was brutal, which is the bottom line here.

A memory that is conveyed through the form of a nightmare is a story being played out in one's dreams, based on something that has happened in the past. I'm being philosophical...perhaps analytical, but I needed to be as the memory starts to unfold and like an old record, it plays on repeat with a tune discouraged of happiness and life.

I hated it.

I was in the car when my parents fell off the cliff, approximately fifteen stories high. In reality, I was not in the vehicle when they died, but I saw the wreckage afterwards.

I was only thirteen years old when I lost them. A thirteen year old, who wished she were in the car with her parents, I wanted to leave with them. I was thirteen years old and diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder. That's more than just a little messed up.

I realise I may be selfish, but I couldn't feel any pain when I imagined myself to be in the car. They had died on impact. That's what I was told. It wasn't what I believed at the time.

I was still trying to wrap my pretzeled brain around the fact my parents were now gone from this world and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.

But, accept it, of course.

And, at the time, I really wasn't ready for that.

Just recalling the feeling of that sends tremors electrifying my nerves and swerving through my veins all across my body like a cognitive haywire. The remains of my nightmare. Or a memory. Though, I wasn't physically there at the time of the incident...I was just the destination the news that casted me a render-less monotonic girl just wanting to have the people who raised her, loved her and knew the 'true' her...to come back into her life because she wasn't ready to see the truth of the world in her own eyes.

For what the world is, at least.

A messed up globe, few planets away from the biggest ball of light and fire in our non-gravitational solar system...just waiting to be even more fucking ridiculous as it decides this planet should be its next victim case.

Earth's the victim and believe it or not, the sun is—in this case—an enemy to all states in this screwed up planet.

My breathing was quiet but erratic, every beat of my panicked heart could be heard through my ears. My eyes shot open on their own accord as I tried to calm my breathing and soothe my heart. Fabricated images display themselves behind my eyelids, they flash between the petrified expressions on my parents' faces, to the cliff and then to the water below as the car braces for an impact I didn't realistically see.

I bite my lip, in an attempt to remain still and quiet, when all I want to do is scream. Out loud this time. I don't. I do not scream. Though each sharp inhale and exhale fills the cold air. That was when I finally took in my surroundings.

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