Part 1

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The castle alarms went off without warning. Keith sat up in his bed so fast that he accidentally hit his head on the low ceiling that was above his bed. He quickly jumped out of bed hardly noticing the sharp shots pain from his head. He sure was going to have a bruise later. Slipping into his armor he quickly grabbed his helmet and ran out of the room towards his red lion.

Once he was in place inside his lion he put on his helmet and started up his lion.

"Everybody ready?" Keith heard Shiro's voice through the radio that was built into his helmet.

"Ready!" Every Paladin was in their lion prepared for Shiro's order.

"Let's make this battle count!" The paladins were launched into space from the castle of lions that was right in front of a Galra fleet. The Lions destroyed drones as they made their way towards the main ship.

" Pidge? Keith? You guys ready?" Shiro's voice crackles through the radio. Keith dodges a drone and blasts another one with a fiery blast before he responds with.

" I am ready. I have been prepared since the first time we reviewed the plan."

The paladins decided it would be a brilliant idea if they had a plan just in case the Galra attacked. Allura and Coran had jumped at the idea and so they had been practicing for weeks just to get it right. And what perfect timing to put it to use! Keith was dragged out of his thoughts when he overheard Pidge's voice come on the radio.

"Affirmative, Shiro I am ready."

" Alright I and the other two lions will make a path for you to get to the ship make sure you stay undetected. We will try keeping the Galra distracted for a long as we can." Shiro, Lance, and Hunk promptly started clearing a path to the main ship. 

Keith started to move his lion through shooting down drones as they came at him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Pidge in her green lion dodge a few drones as she made her way to the ship. After making it to the Galra ship Keith landed his lion next to the green lion in a hanger that Pidge had managed to hack open.

Keith got up from his seat and stepped out of his red lion. Pidge did the same and walked up to him. She stopped and pressed a few buttons on her holographic computer. The green lion started up and left the hanger and headed towards the castle of lions. Pidge saw Keith's confused look and she quickly responded.

"I thought it would better to escape on just one lion then having to worry about two lions." Keith nodded his agreement, and Pidge took the lead to the control center.

The following part of the plan was simple Pidge and Keith would sneak up to the control center while the Galra were distracted by the ongoing fight outside. Pidge would hack into the system and try and gather any information she could and then try to shut down the ship manually. 

Keith practically ran into Pidge. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't see the short little green paladin stop. Pidge looked up at him offered him a look then motioned for silence. Keith obeyed placing a hand on his Bayard in case it was required of him to pull it out. He tried slowing his breathing which was racing from the adrenaline of the battle. Keith finally gained control of his breathing a few moments later. He listened closely so as to figure out why Pidge had stopped so suddenly. He finally heard it.

Sentries! The footsteps coming towards him were unmistakable. He placed one of his hands on his green companion's shoulder, and she nodded in response as if she had received a telepathic message.

Three minutes had passed long after the two sentries had passed by their hiding spot unaware of the two intruders. Pidge slowly started to move forward and peeked around the corner. 

After about several stops to hide from sentries and to avoid little drones. They made it to the control room. After knocking out the two sentries before they could alert anyone else. Pidge immediately pulled up the holographic computer that appeared over her arm on her armor and started poking at random things on it.

At least that is what it looks like from Keith's point of view from his post beside the door. Now that he thought of it since when has Keith ever understood Pidge's hacking skills? Never. He sighed as he continued watching this short Paladin hack into a computer that was twice her size.

He decided to pass the time by walking back and forth in front of the door swinging his sword back and forth. Every once in a while he would here steps pass the door. He stopped preparing himself for someone to enter the room. No one ever did. 

He had done this about four times before his hand slipped and he sent the sword clanking across the floor. He winced from the sound as he listened for footsteps outside the door.

"Are you trying to get us captured?" Pidge had stopped with her hacking long enough to give Keith an annoyed look and give a smart retort before returning back to her work before her. Keith retrieved his sword from across the room and walked back to Pidge an eye focused on the door.

"I didn't mean to let go of my sword it just sorta slipped." Pidge looked at him through the visor on her helmet but didn't say anything as she looked back down. Keith wanted to start a conversation he really did, but the others were focused on the battle outside and Pidge couldn't afford to make a mistake. Unless it is an emergency. He quoted Pidge in a mocking voice. He didn't dare voice it out loud. Pidge had threatened him within an inch of his life if he broke radio silence. She claimed she would make his life miserable after the mission. And he didn't dare defy her. He didn't even dare to get on Pidge's unpleasant side especially since he had experienced how threatening she looked when uttering threats. Which was quite often now he thought of it. Yes, Pidge was a feisty little Paladin.

"How far are you into the plan?" He was presently standing behind Pidge looking over her shoulder.

" I am now almost finished with the downloading process I will soon move onto shutting down the ship." As soon as those word, her mouth left the door burst open and several sentries ran into the room. Both paladins ducked behind the desk as it started raining purple blasts.

"We need to get back to red!" Keith had to yell even though Pidge was sitting right next to him. The noise from the blasts was not helping. Pidge nodded.

" I am right behind you!" She yelled back. Keith peeked from behind the desk and saw his chance. He grabbed his sword in one hand and Pidge's hand in his other.

In one smooth motion, he was on his feet headed towards the door cutting down sentries as he ran. They made it out the door and down the hall sentries right on their tail.

Keith let go of her hand so they both could run better Keith was ahead of Pidge but he still heard her behind him pumping her short legs as fast as she could. 

He burst through the door to the hanger and continued running to his lion. He heard Pidge yell behind him.

"Keep ruining Keith I am right behind you!" Assured of how close she was he rapidly climbed into his lion and gave enough time for her to climb inside. He then quickly took off away from the Galra ship towards the castle of lions.

He made back beside the castle and followed it through a wormhole that Allura created. Once he made it through he landed his lion and walked up to the bridge. He didn't see Pidge, so he assumed she left all ready to go to the others who were already on the bridge.

"Hey, guys!" Everybody turned to look at him. He stopped as he examined their faces.

They looked at him confused. Hunk was acting as if he was looking for something behind him.

He turned to look just in case, but when he didn't see anything he turned back to look at them, "I-is something wrong?"

Finally, Hunk stepped forward and asked the question that summed up the questionable look on everyone's face.

"Where's Pidge?"

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