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It was my favourite time of year. My favourite day of the year. My favourite holiday.

Every year, my street will be closed off and turned into a Halloween festival with haunted houses, candy stalls and even a photo booth. It was amazing. This year was no different. I had my best friend Sarah with me. She had dressed up as a corpse bride and I had dressed as NUN from the Annabelle universe movies.

Even though we were seventeen, we still did the trick or treating around the blocks before coming back for the street festival.

Mom and Dad were wondering around with my little sister Judy - she loved halloween too. She was dressed up as a zombie wonder woman.  'Come on, lets go in here' Sarah says tugging on my arm. I laugh in excitement with her as we walk into the haunted house.

Instantly, a skeleton drops from the ceiling, his eyes flashing red and creepy, screeching noises coming from him. I let out a surprised squeal and held onto Sarah's hand. There was fake spider webs everywhere, fake bugs and honestly, it looked amazing.

'This way' I say eagerly pulling her to the left. Things touched us and made noise at us and it was terrifying but so much fun. I hear screams from every direction from others both inside the house and out.

Sarah and I laugh at our own fear and continue. A man jumps out, fake blood covering his front from the gash along his throat. Zombie make up covering his face. He looked so real, I almost ran. This is why I loved Halloween.

'Wait, Cara' Sarah says, her voice filled with dread. 'Oh my god' this man wasn't faking it. His clothes screamed zombie and his make up but that gash on his throat was definitely not fake. We catch him as he falls, blood spurting from his mouth now and pure fear in his eyes.

He was the owner of the house. Garry Woodberry. He used to mow our lawns before he hurt his back a few years ago falling off a ladder.

'Shit' I curse as we drop to the floor with the man. Then we hear gun shots and I realise those screams werent from people having fun and being scared on halloween, they were from people fearing for their lives.

'What do we do' Sarah was crying now and I didn't blame her, I should be crying too but despite my fear, I needed to stay rational.

I don't say anything as I watch Mr Woodberry fade away. I watch the life leave his eyes and a tear prickles my own eyes. This man didn't deserve to be alone and scared as he died. 'Come on' I say getting up, laying the now dead neighbour down gently.

We run back out of the house and it is chaos. The stalls were on fire, as were all of the houses on the street.

My head snaps in every direction looking for my family. I don't see them. I start to panick. So many people lay motionless on the street. Dead. I run further into the street and begin searching the dead. I had to find my family.

Then I hear a scream that I recognise and my stomach dropped. My head whips around and I spot her. Judy. My feet run as fast as they can to her. Flames licking at the table she was hiding under.

I hear another shot from behind me and turn around just in time to see Sarah drop to the ground.


Tears prick my eyes as I stand there, conflicted. Judy was my priority but yet I was frozen, I couldn't move.

I hear another shot and gasp as searing pain hits me. It felt like someone sticking a hot poker into my stomach as I stumbled backward.

I look up and I see the gunman. He wore a light brown hoodie, a white ball cap and dark jeans. He stood around six foot tall. I couldn't see his face, his ball cap shielded it but I could see the dark hair poking out from under it. I also took note that he was holding the gun in his left hand.

Another shot to my shoulder and I fall back.

I knew my head bounced on the road but yet, I couldn't feel it. My breathing became erratic fast and I knew this was it. I was dying.

I hear foot steps coming toward me. Heavy foot steps and then another gun shot that sounded further away.

There was a second shooter.

The man crouches down right next to me and I see bright green eyes looking back at me. I couldn't see anything else but those beautiful green eyes. He doesn't say a single word before he then stands and walks away.

Sirens can be heard in the distant but I was scared that it was going to be too late. There was no survivors because I was about to die.

All I hear now is faint sirens and the foot steps of two men walking away.

I tried to stay awake. I tried to hang on. I kept my finger tapping so that they can see a survivor.

The sirens grow louder but it almost felt like I was under water. My vision blurs but then someone is hovering over me.

'I have one' the person yells, their voice filled with relief but yet it sounded so muffled.

I tried to speak. I had to tell them 'Two' I manage to get out.

'Don't speak' he tells me as I'm being moved. I felt so light and I wasnt sure I could stay awake. 'Stay with me' he tells me.

And that was the last thing I heard.


Pain. Green. Brown. Pain. Green. Brown. I can hear machines. I can smell hand sanitiser.

I was.. alive?

My eyes squeeze shut when I try to open them. A warm hand grips mine and I hear a small gasp. A female gasp.


Finally, I blink my eyes open. 'Nurse' the woman says excitedly. The light hurt, like it was physically stabbing my eye balls.

After a few minutes of trying and failing, my eyes finally open and I look around the room. I was in a hospital. I look to the woman. My older sister Rianna. Tears were already streaming down her beautiful face.

'Mom?' I croak 'Dad? Judy?' She sobs in response which only fills me with fear and pain.

'You are the only one who made it Cara' she cries. Rianna was twenty-three and was meant to be away at college, studing to be a surgeon.

The reality of what she said sinks in and I feel my stomach drop. My entire body tingles in fear.

Everyone is dead. My parents, my baby sister - she was only seven years old. My best friend was dead. Everyone that lived on my street was dead.

I loved Halloween. It was my favourite day of the whole year.

And now it wasn't.

Now it was an anniversary of the Halloween Massacre.

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