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I was back at school. Rianna left last night to start her class this morning. It was weird staying at home alone and knowing that Rianna wasn't coming home. I didn't sleep much and I was too chicken to message Rocco because being alone made me realise that someone could be after me.

'You look like hell' Rocco smiles at me when I get to my locker.

'Rianna left last night' I tell him 'So I was alone and thinking about how much of a target I was and how easy it would have been to pluck me from my bed' I was probably being dramatic but I didn't care

'You should have called' He frowns.

'And have you laugh at me?' I ask with raised eye brows as I get my books out for class.

'Want to come stay at mine tonight?' He asks as Dean comes over. We hadn't spoken since Thursday and he had better be here to apologise.

Rocco walks away without my answer and heads over to the jocks while Dean stands there awkwardly.

'I'm sorry' Dean tells me 'I was out of line and never should have said any of those things'

'You're right' I nod 'You may be done grieving for them and ready to move on but I can't because I was there and I lived that shit and I thought you understood that' I reply.

'I do' he nods 'I was emotional and I was selfish and I know it's no excuse but I really am sorry'

'Good' I tell him 'Apology accepted now can we move on?'

'Yes' Dean breathes and pulls me in for a hug. He only makes it brief before pulling away 'Sorry'

'I want to move forward so can we not talk about them so much?'

'Of course' Dean smiles 'Ready for class?'

I nod and we head up the hall way 'So, how are you and barista guy?'

Dean makes a disgruntled noise 'Done, he was too needy' this made me laugh.

'You were such a fan boy and border line stalker before you got his number' I point out.

'I know' he sighs 'Hold up, show me those' Dean grabs my hand and inspects my nails.

'Rianna and I got them done Saturday'

'They're amazing' he tells me when we walk into the class. 'She leaves today doesn't she?'

'Last night' I correct him 'But I am happy for her, she deserves to be happy and follow her dreams and I felt guilty for making her miss a year'

'You know she wouldn't do it any other way' Dean tries to make me feel better.

'I know' I nod. We sit at our seats and I see Jazzmen glaring at me as she sits beside Grant who still had some slight bruising around his eyes.

I smile at the look but he only glares. 'Got something to say?' I ask Jazzmen. She rolls her eyes and looks away.

'Damn girl, you are fiesty'

'I'm done being the sad depressed bitch' I shrug 'I am moving on and standing up for myself'

'Good' Dean smiles 'Now, I almost want to start a fight to see you flip' he laughs.

'Don't' I tell him.

'It's nice to see you smile' Dean tells me as Rocco walks into class.

Jazzmen gets google eyed and starts twisting her hair around as she gives Rocco a flirtatious smile.


I look to Rocco as he walks past and he winks at me, an amused smirk on his face. I assume it's because of the disgusted look I was shooting Jazzmen.

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