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Sunday, I spend the day cleaning and forgetting about Rocco. Rianna tells me about her date and we watch some trashy reality TV and then we cook some chicken together for tea.

Monday, I head to school feeling pretty good about myself. I park beside Dean's car and find him waiting at my locker. 'Hey girl, how was your weekend?' Dean asks as soon as he sees me.

'It was okay' I nod 'How was your date Saturday night?' I ask with a knowing smile.

'Amazing' he winks 'We went to this fancy place and he paid and then we went back to his place for some Netflix and Chill and you know' he hints with his twerky eye brows.

'Nice' I smile and grab my books out.

'Rocco is hanging out with the jocks today, you guys have a fight?'

'He's at school?' I ask confused. I shouldn't be surprised.

'Yeah' Dean frowns 'You okay? You guys fight?'

'Yeah' I sigh 'Don't worry about it, it's nothing' I wave off.

'Okay well, he looked pretty shitty too'

'Good' I scoff 'Let's go' Rocco had no right to look shitty.

'Why are you keeping things secret?' Dean asks.

'I'm not' I frown.

'Everything about Rocco, you won't tell me' he was right but I couldn't tell him about Rocco.

'Because you don't need to know and I don't want to talk about it' I defend.

'I tell you literally everything Cara'

'Don't' I shake my head 'Don't make me feel guilty because you like sharing everything, Rocco is a completely different subject and I don't have to tell you about him, you want to know something, ask him yourself' I snap.

Even if I wanted to tell Dean, I couldn't. He didn't need to be a prick about it. I was probably a little harsh but at the same time, I hoped it was harsh enough to make him drop it.

I sit at my desk and Dean sits beside me in silence. After a moment, Rocco comes in and sits behind me.

'Diner after school?' Dean asks with a small smile.

I give an apologetic smile back 'Sure'

The class begins and I am aware of the eyes burning holes in the back of me which made it very difficult to concentrate.

'Hey Cara' I look over and it's Grant, a jock with a flirtatious smile on his face 'How you been?'

I frown at him 'Grant, fuck off' I would have been nicer but he was the first person who started saying that I was part of the massacre. Jazzmen was the worst but he was the one who started it.

'Calm down babe, I was just asking a question' I roll my eyes and continue with my work.

'Hey, so some of us are doing a memorial thing after school Thursday if you want to join us?' Lilly was a nice sweet girl and all but she wasn't even friends with Sarah and I.

'No thanks, I'm doing my own thing' I tell her. She nods and once again, I do my work.

For the rest of the class, people kept telling me about what they were doing for Sarah on Thursday and it made me want to just go home and hide and never come out.

I started ignoring people and Dean was getting pissed.

Lunch finally came but I wasn't even hungry any more. 'Ignore them' Dean tells me.

'I've tried' I tell him 'I just want to go home'

'I'm sure everyone will understand' Dean says.

I shake my head and we go sit down. 'I don't think I'm going to come to the diner after school' I tell Dean

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