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I was dressed in a tight red dress with a split up the side that came up mid thigh. It was a beautiful dress but I felt wrong.

I had styled my hair into loose curls and for some reason, Rocco had make up available so after spending three hours getting ready at Rocco's house, he drove me to a "party" at a rich man's house. I had to find Mr Weaks and I had to convince him to come back to my hotel room.

Rocco had of course booked the room and given me the key card for a very nice and expensive room.

I was nervous and how could I not be? This man was going to die and I had a part in it. Not to mention I had no protection from this man but pure faith that he wouldn't rape me or try anything until I got him to the room.

He was a horrible man that was disgusting but death was still a sore subject and I wasn't even sure if this man deserved it.

I wonder around the house full of elegant people, keeping an eye out for Mr Weaks.

'Champagne Ma'am?' I turn and there he was. Mr Weaks had found me.

I look at the flute of liquid and give him a flirtatious smile. 'Thank you' I take a sip and he eyes me like he wants to eat me.

'Malcolm Weaks' He holds his hand out to me.

'Sarah Jessop' I lie. It was the first name that came to mind. Sorry Sarah I mentally apologies to my late best friend.

'Pretty name for a pretty lady' He was charming and handsome. He looked middle eastern, dark, slicked back hair- not one out of place. His eyes were a dark blue and he had a beard.

'So I've been told' I smile, a flirtatious glint in my eye that I hoped he seen.

He wore a dark blue suit with a red tie and as I look at him, I found it hard to believe that he was such a horriible human being. 'Oh I bet' he chuckles 'So, Sarah, are you here with anyone?'

'I'm not actually' I smile. 'You?'

'I'm always with someone' he winks. At least he was honest.

'Would you blow her off for me?' I ak stepping closer to him and putting on my best innocent look.

'Oh, I think I'd do just about anything for you Sarah Jessop' 

'Would you ditch this fancy party and come back to my hotel room?' I ask.

He leans in close and whispers in my ear 'Lead the way'

I turn and head for the door, hoping he follows. 'Shoot' I hiss getting outside 'I was dropped here and told my ride to come back in a few hours'

'No worries' he rests a hand on my butt and I want to push him away but I refrain. 'We can ride in mine'

A moment later, a limo pulls up and Malcolm opens the door, letting me in before climbing in behind me.

I was scared that he would want to get frisky now. I give the Hotel address and we start to move. Thankfully, it was only a few blocks away.

Malcolm leans in and kisses my neck 'Easy tiger' I giggle 'I have a surprise in my bedroom and I would hate to ruin the mood now' I was surprised at how convincing I sounded and how awesome I was at this right now.

'I do like surprises' he says huskily. Oh god. He already had a boner too which makes me feel more uneasy.

He can barely keep his hands off me as we ride the elevator up and to my room. I knew I'd need a long hot shower to scrub this creep from me later.

I open the door and wonder in as if nothing was wrong. Malcolm follows close behind and for a  moment I get scared that Rocco wasn't even here and he fucked me over.

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