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One Year Later

'Are you sure you'll be okay?' Rianna asks as I pack my things into my bag ready for school. 'I don't want to leave if you'll just off yourself' Rianna wanted to go back to school. She was already a year behind in her Surgeon studies but now that I'm eighteen, I told her to go back to school. I didn't want her to quit on her dreams because of me.

'And I don't want you to stay and resent me for squishing your dreams' I shoot back.

Rianna has brunette, wavy hair that came to her shoulders and big brown eyes that looked caramel in the right light. She was an average pale complexion, five foot seven and stick thin. She looked so much like Mom that sometimes, it stun to even look at her.

'I would never resent you Cara' Rianna tells me softly and I believed that she really believed that. 'I can go back to school whenever, I dont want to leave if you aren't ready to be alone'

'You transferred an hour away' I state 'You can literally come check on me any time you want'

'I know but its not the same' Rianna sighs 'They're still out there and I am terrified that if I leave, they will come back and kill you'

I had given my description to the police but it was hard to pin point without any facial details or scars or tattoos and I only seen one of them. Guilt pitted in my stomach at the thought of me being the only witness and yet I couldn't give enough of a description to get these guys. I mean, I only seen one of them.

'I have to get to school' I mutter and slide my bag over my shoulder. I grab my keys and head out the door.

Alot of people still think that I had something to do with the massacre, being that I was the only survivor of fifty seven people. Most knew I was innocent - including the police and my sister.

School was hard for a while and I still miss Sarah but it was easier these days. I still get sympathetic looks from peers, especially if they see a scar. I tried to always cover them, not wanting to be reminded of any of it, even though its a constant in my head.

Next week was the anniversary and it gave me anxiety, especially when everyone else knew about it.

'Hey, so after your therapy, want to go to the diner?' Dean asks as I get out of my car.

'So you can stare at the barista and not ask for his number?' I smirk.

Dean was mine and Sarah's best friend and thankfully, he wasn't there at the night of the massacre.

He was five foot nine and whilst he didnt dress like a typical gay, as soon as he opened his mouth, you knew.

'Yes' he replies honestly 'Its that or go to the mall and I know you don't want to do that'
He was right. I was staying away from any store that sold halloween items. It was too painful.

'Fine, diner it is but you're paying'

'Deal' he grins and kisses my cheek.

I grab my things from my locker and put my bag in before Dean and I head to class. We take our seats by the window and I wait for the teacher.

I had decided on a pair of grey skinny jeans, a red tank and then a black cardigan. I let my brunette waves out and they sat just under my shoulders.

'Are you going to be here next week Cara because I really dont want to see your depressed ass hanging around and making the place dull' Jazzmen, the popular girl in school. She was the typical blonde haired, bib boobed bimbo who liked to spread her legs. I won't lie, she was very pretty. She could easily be a model if she wanted to with her figure and her long legs.

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