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I was nervous as I stood in the VIP area. Rocco was in the ring and being introduced and all I could do was pace and wring my hands.

'Cara' I turn and see Grant standing front row. He motions for me to go over but I shake my head and look back to Rocco.

He was glaring at Grant.

Rocco's opponent then entered the ring and I almost laughed. The guy looked like he weighed nothing and it looked like his first fight ever.

Rocco had this in the bag. He even looked like he knew he would win.

Finally, I take a seat as the bell rings. The awkward looking guy was actually holding his own as they went punch for punch. Rocco hit harder though and one hit looked to rock the guy for a second but he recovered quick.

Rocco was definietly winning though. The guy was bleeding and Rocco didn't look injured at all.

Two minutes into the second round and Rocco had the guy knocked out. He looked at me with his victorious smile and winked.  I couldn't help but smile back.

Rocco came right over to me and started leading me back toward the change rooms. 'I'll have a quick shower in here, stay at my locker' he tells me.

'Okay' I nod. He leaves me at the locker and disappears to the showers. They were right there, next to the lockers.

A minute or so passes and Grant comes in. I look to the showers and then back at him 'I'm not going to hurt you' Grant laughs 'I was just curious, why are you here?'

'I'm here with Rocco' I tell him. 'Why are you here?' I ask.

'I never thought you'd ever be the one to come to something like this'

'You don't even know me' I scoff. Grant kept his distance which I was thankful for.

'You actually dress up pretty hot' Grant smiles and looks me up and down, making me uneasy. 'And I know you enough' he says suggestively making me want to barf.

'You should leave' I tell him.

'Your boyfriend show you them moves you threw on me?'

'That was all me' I say 'How does it feel to get beat up by a girl like me?' I ask, almost daring him to try something.

'Humiliating to be honest' He chuckles 'But I guess I kind of deserved it'

'Yeah, you did' I agree 'And I'll do it again'

'You wouldn't get the chance' he raises an eye brow.

'You really should go though, Rocco already doesn't like you'

'Like I give a shit' he scoffs 'I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm not even near you'

'You're making me uncomfortable' I tell him. His eyes kept wondering to my exposed scar.

'Did it hurt?' He asks and for once, he wasn't asking to hurt me, I could see he was genuinely interested.

'If you want to know what it feels like, get a hot poker and stab it into yourself' I tell him 'It burns and it feels like fire inside of you' I tell him honestly.

'Ouch' he winces and I hear the shower shut off. Grant does too and gives me a smirk before turning and leaving.

I found myself runing my fingers over my silky scar, thinking about the feeling. 'You okay?' I blink and look at Rocco, his eyes were also on my scar now.

'How did it feel for you?' I ask 'To be shot? For me it felt like a hot coal burning through me'

He frowns and thinks for a moment 'I guess it kind of felt like a burning sensation but there was something else, maybe a sharp feeling' I nod and he gets dressed in silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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