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I know that this punisher is from the same universe that captain america but we are going to say that in this story : no. enjoy!

Two men are standing in front of each over, both of them have blood on their faces, Katsuki and Izuku are in a position to fight. Both of them are wearing a bulletproof jacket the only difference is Midoriya' one there is a big skull.

"This is not good." Said Kirishima.

Katsuki have two knives and Izuku have only his fists.

" They have hatred in their eyes." Notes Todoroki.

Bakugou is the first to strike by sharing with both of his blades on Midoriya's arms and ribs. The two men square off ready for more, has been a ruthless opponent came for another strike, the Punisher catches his arm and slams his head into a horse, then Katsuki kicks him into a mirror cracking it.

Trying to strike back but he is too slow for his adversary who overpowered him with his move, Katsuki pierces Izuku's shoulder and drive him down on the mirror making the glass to fall down on the floor.

" Look at yourself, pathetic." Said Katsuki with his bloody mouth.

He extracts his blade, has Bakugou gets ready for his next move.

" NOOOOO!!!" Scream the class seeing this Bakugou of this universe ready to kill this Midoriya.

The Punisher beats him by perforating is gut with a piece of glass, then Izuku grabs the blond's bulletproof vest and hoist himself to his feet, Bakugou's blood spills all over the concrete.

"Why do they have to fight like animals?" Asks Uraraka with sadness in her eyes.

Bakugou stares at Midoriya in chock, as the two enemies stand face to face, they both step back, putting space between them, Katsuki pulls the large piece of mirror from his gut and  some blood.

Everybody flinches at this scene, All Might didn't understand why two they were fighting like this, each punch, each step was meant to kill and this All Might was broken-hearted.

Bakugou throw a weak stab to Midoriya, but the green head was quickest and his fist found his mark before the blind can move again, Izuku punches him again, making his opponent's head cracks the mirror, Deku grabs him by the jaw then turns his other cheek to the mirror and skid his face in the broken glass making Bakugou scream.

" My god! He can't act like this!" yelled Iida "He can't be a villain again!"

"I think Midoriya is a vigilante in this world." Observed Erased head.

Before any of the students could ask more question the scene continued.

Blood pours from Bakugou's face and leaving a long flow of blood on the mirror, Deku jerks him around.

The class seeing the defigurated gashes on his cheek, some of them wanted to puke.

Katsuki moves to attack, but Izuku sees his movement, catching his arm and break it and using his head to break another mirror, the Punisher grabs the knife and put it on the blond throat. Bakugou move his hand verse Deku and beg:

"Kill me."

But Izuku is not moving, Katsuki urges him to do it, but the green head doesn't kill him and pulls out the knife from Bakugou's throat.

"I'm not going to let you die today."

"Please..." Bakugou begs again.

" Dying's easy."

" He's on a quest of vengeance." Explained Erased head to his student who were in chock hearing this statement of their teacher.

At the same moment Midoriya kicks Bakugou face first in the mirror and yanks him back by the hair and said to him:

"You're gonna learn about pain."

And Izuku thrust his face against the mirror.

" You're gonna learn about loss."

By each impact, flashes of Midoriya's children appear.

" Every morning... I look for'em, Kacchan I look for'em but then I remember. It's gonna be the same for you. When you look at your ugly mangled face, you're gonna remember what you did, you'll remember, Kacchan." Rage and hatred could be heard in Midoriya's voice.

"I killed... His children?" murmured Bakugou, it has been his first words since the beginning of the session, he was the villain in this world, he was angry not to Deku but to himself, to this over him for what he did.

Midoriya thrust his face again and scream:

"Your gonna remember me!"

Then he throws his face violently on the cracking mirror, pieces of glass pierce his bloody face, making him unconscious.


"This was... I don't know what to say about this world." Murmured Mina.
Everybody was in chock after the joker and now this version of Midoriya, they're hoping that the other universe will bee better.

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