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The scene starts on a freeway, a man is on his motorcycle facing a man in a red suit. The motorcycle turns around, speeds past the man in the red suit and shoots. Deadpool jumps into the air, throwing the his sword into the front wheel of the motorcycle. The biker flies off. Deadpool walks over. 

" His form looks good." Said Izuku and then kicks the biker in the chest, sending him down. He continues with his speech while beating the biker.

"And that's why Regina rhymes with fun. Ladies and gentlemen, what you're witnessing is sweet, dick-kicking revenge."
He throws the biker to the side of the bridge.


He kicks the biker's off, revealing it to be Chisaki Kai.

"This piece of shit is in this universe." Murmured Erased head with anger in his eyes.

Midoriya stabs his sword through Chisaki's shoulder and into the bridge barrier, pinning him down.

"Looking good Chisaki. Well rested. Like you've been pitching, not catching. Ringing any bells? No?" He lifts his mask up.

"Ho my god, what happened to Midoriya face?" Ask with shock the invisible girl.

"It looks like it was burned." Stated Ojiro.

"Huh. Izuku fucking Midoriya. Well hello, gorgeous." Said Chisaki with a little smirk.

"Yeah, like a I got bit by a radioactive Sharpei. Yeah, and whose fault is that, Chisaki? Time to undo what you did to this butterface."

"You should thank me. Apparently I made you immortal. I'm actually quite jealous."

"IMMORTAL!" Screamed the class 1-A.

"It's a really powerful quirk, so the side effect is the state of his face and probably all his skin is like this, that's why the red suit." Explain Yaoyorozu.

"Yeah, but this ain't a life worth living, is it? Now, I'm about to do to what Limp Bizkit did to music in the late '90s."

"Limp Bizkit?" Ask Denki.

"It's a band." Respond Jirou.

Just behind Midoriya there is a big man walks up to him, we can't see his face. Izuku raises his hand, hitting him in the crotch, but there is no pain reaction, the green head feels around for a second, and ask while looking up:

It was Iida, his body was in steel and he grabs Midoriya and throws him into a car.

"Did Midoriya just made a dick joke to Iida?" Ask Mina with big eyes.

At this moment Izuku talk to the group of teenagers:
"I think we can all agree that shit just went sideways in the most colossal ways."

"Ho my god! He just spoke to us!" Said someone in the room.

"He said shit." someones mentioned.

And on top of that, Izuku in his red suit talk again:

"Are you done? Can I carry on or you need some tea or something?"

Everybody in the room was dead silence, how in the fuck can this Midoriya could know that some people were watching him!

"Thank you." Express Deadpool, he continued in his narration:
" Okey. Let's pro-con this superhero ting. Pro: they pull down a gaggle of ass. Dry cleaning-discounts, lucrative film deals both origin stories and larger ensemble team movies. Con: They're all lame-ass teacher's pets." He hit the car with a AÏE and fell to the floor.

" My god, this Midoriya just throw some shade here." State Sero.

"You know I can hear you." Mention the man of steel.

"I'm not talking to you. I was talking to them." He points at the camera.
Everybody was shaking. 

Uraraka murmured to Iida, who was next to her:"Does he suppose to hear us and see us?"

"I don't know."

Colossus warned Chisaki:
" Stay right here. You've been warned before, Deadpool. This is a shameful and reckless use of your powers. You will both be coming with us."

"Look, Iida! I don't have time for the goody-two-shoes bullshitt right now!" At this moment Jiro came next to Colossus: "And... you are?"

"Negasonic Teenage Warhead."

"What the fuck? How this name is considered has a hero name?" Raged Bakugou.

"It's better than king explodo kills." Comment the earphone jack girl.

"It's a great name!" Screamed the blond.

" Negasonic Teenage... What the Shit? That's the coolest name ever! So what, you're like his sidekick" Said Midoriya in his red suit.

"See even this Midoriya loves my name." Jiro said with a smirk to the grumpy Bakugou.

The scene continued:
"No, trainee."

"Let me guess. X-men left, you behind on, what, shit detail?" Izuku walks over Chisaki who stills impaled.

"What does that make you?" Questionned Jiro while taking a seat on a car.

"Pretending you're not here, Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Trade names?" Deku then punches Chisaki in the face.

"Can we go?"

"Look! I'm a teenage girl! I'd rather be anywhere than here. I'm all about long, sullen silences, followed by mean comments, followed by more silences. So what's it gonna be, huh, Long sullen silence, or mean comment?Go on." They were face to face, it's Jiro who broke the silence:

"You've got me in a box here."


-" HA! HA! He just told you that you are an emo!" Denki was laughing so hard that he was crying.

"I'm not like that." Retort the girl with embarrassment.

"Yes." Said the class.


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