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I blush, "It's Delores." I shyly answer, as he smiles at me.

"And..you?" I gesture towards him. "Aidan." He replies, staring deeply into my eyes, with those evergreen ones.

He lightly sips on his coffee, our eyes interlocked the entire time. He sets down his coffee cup before clearing his throat.

"You intrigue me." He looks at, with amusement in his eyes. I blush, yet again, and shrug my shoulders, eyeing the window once more. We sit in silence for almost a minute before he speaks up.

"What's got you in this place looking so down?" He questions, playing with the name tag on his coffee cup. I'd forgotten all about how my boyfriend, Demitri, had argued with me earlier about something as simple as what TV shoe to watch. What always happens had happened, it turns into a giant argument about something way deeper, and Demitri ends up insulting me in the most unpleasant way, so I go somewhere to clear my head. Hence why I'm even sitting in this Starbucks right now.

"Nothing really, just got in an argument with my boyfriend.." I mumble, hoping he didn't really hear me. He doesn't need to know about my private life, I hardly even know him!

He stares intensely at me for about 5 seconds, before his response clicks.

"He doesn't deserve you, Delores. I can tell."

He looks straight into my eyes, and my heart skips a beat. How would he know that? He can't go assuming everything about me.

"You wouldn't know that, so please don't go assuming about me." I counter. Rolling my eyes just a tiny bit.

His beautiful warm smile that he'd had on whilst we conversed, had dropped into a straight face. His eyes turn a shade darker.

"If there's anything I could be sure of in this world, it's that he doesn't treat you how you should be treated, you don't need him Delores. I may not know him at all, or you, but i know a problem when I see one." His piercing gaze burning into my soul, his fingers intertwined.

His eyebrow raises and he cocks his head to the side, as if to ask, 'I'd like to hear you say something to prove me wrong.' What a jerk. I hardly even know this boy and here he is going ballistic on his accusations of my love life.

I stand up, and walk to the trash can to throw away my empty cup, grabbing my purse along with me. I head straight for the door.

Before I can walk out his hand is on my wrist pulling me back.

"Delores wait!" He looks frantic, as if he doesn't want me to leave just yet.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be intruding on your personal life when we hardly know each other." He half-smiles, with an apologetic look.

I sigh and shrug. "It's fine, I don't mean to get all defensive, it's just...you're kind of right about me and my boyfriend's relationship." I look away, embarrassed that I had just admitted it.

"It's just I can't bring myself to accept that fact, otherwise I'd have to break up with him, and then I'd just feel alone. There's not much keeping me sane." I bitterly chuckle. Look at me blurting out all my problems to a boy I had just met.

His eyes twinkle, brighter than any star from any sky. He stares at me with a look of something I can't decipher, before he speaks.

"You don't have to be alone Delores, I'm right here for you, always."

• • •

I had gone home not long after that encounter at the Starbucks. Aidan and I had exchanged numbers, before he disappeared. I pulled into the driveway in my rusted car. The brakes are making this loud screeching noise, I should go get that fixed. I think back to my emergency savings jar, that I had filled with coins every time that I had some.

I pull up to the house and park in the driveway, opening the driver door to get out. It had just rained yesterday and it's dark out, so I stepped in some mud, ruining my already ratty shoes. I curse silently but continue inside nonetheless.

I walk inside to an empty house, no sounds at all. I guess my mom is at work still.

Demitri must've seen himself out, after he'd seen that I wasn't going to be back for a while.

I march up to my room exhaustedly, before plopping down on my bed.

Today has surely been a long ass day. I had an argument with Demitri, my part-time job has given me less hours, and lowered my pay, my shoes are all muddy, and I stayed at Starbucks till eight p.m talking to a mysterious boy named Aidan.

I take off my clothing and go into the bathroom to take a shower, ravishing in the hot water that easily calms my nerves.

After my shower, I brush my teeth and put on a tank top and some short pajama fluffy shorts.

I head downstairs to make a glass of tea before bed. Tea is something that calms my nerves, and makes me feel homey. I love tea and all kinds of tea.

I turn on the kettle and wait for it to boil, whilst watching spongebob in the living room on the small TV.

Suddenly, the doorbell tone ricochets throughout the air of the house. Who's here at this time? Maybe mom is back from work early? She did say she was taking the night shift these days though..I get up from my comfortable seat on the couch and move to the door.

"Who is it?" I ask. No answer.

The thing about this door is that it doesn't have a peephole, which scares me.

The doorbell rings again, and again, and again.

I finally unlock the door.

I swing the door open to see none other than Aidan, from the Starbucks this afternoon. Dressed in a black Led Zeppelin shirt black jeans with rips in the knees, and black and white vans. He had on a beautiful necklace with a silver square charm that had a quote on it, and his hair was tousled in a messy, yet cute, style. He looked heavenly, and had the most delicious smirk on his lips.

"Took you long enough Delores."

Written on July 3, 9:52 am. 00fsies

"Something with inner beauty will live forever, like the scent of a rose."

~Alex Flynn

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