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Delores' P.O.V

A couple of days had passed since I'd last seen Aidan. I know it was wrong of me to get jealous even though we're not dating, plus I have a boyfriend, but something just made my heart twist when that woman talked about how she had slept with him.

It's none of my business, anyways. I'm just gonna forget about it. Aidan is a friend, a friend who I don't know very well, however I feel like he knows me inside and out.

I wish I didn't have vivid fantasies of him as if he were mine.

I lay back on my bed, sighing. I might as well go take a shower and get my mind off of things. I haven't seen Demitri in a while, lucky for me he's out of town for a bit. I hope he gets stranded, and never comes back.

I hop into the shower, relinquishing my thoughts of both Demitri and Aidan. The hot water rinsing off my sins, and refreshing me.

As soon as I hop out the shower, I see a text from my mom.

Mom: hey sweetie, hope you're doing fine! Just wondering if you could pick up a few things from the grocery store for me? I would do it but I'm running a late shift tonight and the store will be closed by then. Please? Love you xoxo

Followed by a list of grocery store items.

I text her a quick reply, saying I'd get the stuff for her, as I set my phone down and get ready to go to the store.

After I dress in some blue ripped jeans, a gray hoodie, and my white vans, I grab my keys and head out the door.

• • •

After skimming through countless aisles, grabbing things like eggs, milk, spinach, and much more healthy food, I finish my mom's grocery list. As I'm pushing the cart past the aisles, that's when I see him. Aidan Gallagher. Stood in the card aisle, seeming to be looking in the apology card section. He has a woven basket in his hand, filled with things like candy, and even a plushie. As soon as I see him I instantly back away, hurriedly push my cart towards the checkout, hoping to dear god he didn't see me.

I quickly pay and practically run out the store, stocking the bags in the trunk of my car. I don't know how fate keeps bringing us together, because I always see Aidan, literally everywhere.

I drive home and turn up the radio, humming to the music.

After I reach the house and stock all the groceries in the fridge and cabinets, my phone lights up.

Aidan: can I come over? I wanted to talk to you.

My heart races as soon as I see the message. He wants to talk to me? Is it about what happened the other day? Do I want to see him? The question flood my mind, making me anxious and nervous.

After about a minute a reply to his text.

: yeah, that's fine.

I take a deep breath and hit send, seconds later he responds again.

Aidan: k, I'll be there in 10.

I text a quick reply saying 'okay'. And shut off my phone. I take a deep breath and hurriedly run up the stairs to apply a bit of mascara, and touch up my face a bit. I don't know why but I always wanna look my best when it comes to Aidan.

After about 12 minutes the doorbell rings. I prepare myself as I go down the stairs to answer the door. I open it to see Aidan standing there, the woven basket filled with candy and the plushies, in his hand, the same basket I saw him holding at the store...was it for me? My heart races.

"Aidan I-" I don't even get to finish my sentence before he moves towards me and embraces me in a hug. I melt into his embrace, and smile.

"I missed you Delores." He says into my hair, as we pull back, he looks into my eyes. I blush, and don't respond.

He holds out the gift basket, and a card envelope. So it was for me huh?

I take and thank him gratefully, he just chuckles and says no problem. I open the envelope to see a cute card that says "I'm sorry" with a picture of a crying panda. This boy, he's so adorable. I meet his eyes to see him giving me a puppy dog look.

"Aidan..." I gasp.

"Delores I'm so sorry for what happened back at my place, I know I slept with that girl right before kissing you, and that's not alright. I just want you to know that I see you as more than just a fuck. I really like you Delores, I can't stop thinking about you, all the damn time. I know we've just met but you're a really important person to me." His arm slides around my waist to bring me closer to him.

"I want you Delores. I want you so bad that it hurts. It hurts knowing that the bastard that you call a boyfriend has you. He doesn't deserve you." He finishes.

I just stare at him, speechless. Aidan wants me? The most perfect boy to exist actually wants me? What does he see in me? I'm completely awestruck.

Aidan takes my silence as a bad thing and begins to run his hand through his hair. "Shit, I probably sound so desperate right now, I'll just go, I'm sorry for bothering you-"

I don't let him finish before I place my lips against his. He's taken by surprise at first but he slowly starts syncing our lips together. He licks my bottom lip, and light bites it, causing my lips to part, as soon as they do his tongue finds its way into my mouth, and gently massages mine.

This feels like heaven all over again. I've missed his touch, and I've missed his kiss, even though we've only kissed once before.

This is pure bliss.

We pull away for air and stare into each other's eyes. "Is this real?" Aidan asks, breathlessly. God he's so Beautiful. I nod and giggle, causing him to chuckle as well.

"I like you too Aidan, and I really want to get to know you better." I whisper, not meeting his eyes.

He grins. "Delores, I want you to be my girlfriend. Forget about Demitri, be with me baby." He caresses my cheek. I blush and nod. Although I don't think breaking up with Demitri is gonna be easy.

His eyes light up at my response.

"I'll see you later, okay? I'll call you tonight." He says, giving me a peck on the lips. My heart races even more.

"Okay. Bye, get home safely." I wave him off as Im about to shut the front door. He turns to me one more time, and gives me another kiss, this time for a little longer than a peck, before smirking and walking out.

I lean against the door as it shuts. What the hell just happened? I can't believe any of this is actually real...I sigh.

Now I just gotta worry about Demitri.

Written on May 2, 2020. 8:43 pm. Well it's been a while since I updated so I wanted to write something really quick, heart. Sorry it's kinda short

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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