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"Took you long enough Delores." He smirked, letting himself in.

He eyes my outfit up and down, and suddenly I feel very self conscious in my short shorts and tank top. I blush and turn away.

"Why did you decide to come here at this time?" I frantically asked. Why would he just show up here without any context, when I saw him not long ago?

He walks over to the living room couch and plops down on on it, before sighing heartily.

He glanced at me, amusement in his evergreen forest eyes. The things those eyes do to me.

"I wanted to see you." He answered, straight.

My cheeks flame harder than they could ever, before I find a way to respond to what Aidan just said.

"Wh-Why do you want to see me when you hardly know me Aidan?" I question, my cheeks still holding their crimson color.

He walks to the kitchen. I trail behind him.

"H-Hey! Answer me!" I half shout, as he pours himself a cup of tea. I'd forgotten all about the kettle on the stove thanks to Aidan's arrival.

He looks up from his tea mug, and looks me in the eyes, a habit of when he speaks to me. He's so intense.

"Like I said earlier at the coffee shop Delores, you intrigue me, we should hang out more." He takes a sip of his tea.

I shrug, and pour myself some tea as well, accidentally burning myself on the hot metal of the burning kettle.

"Ouch!" I wince, holding my hand and taking a step back.

Aidan's face is immediately worried, as he lifts my hand and blows on the part of skin that had been burned. It starts to feel soothing, the pain goes away but Aidan still blows. I take a second to admire his woodsy men's aftershave and vanilla scent, his jet black, shiny, wavy hair, his beautiful pink lips that look so kissable. I immediately relinquish all these thoughts, when he looks up at me.

"Better?" He asks, voice full of worry.

I smile, and nod. "Thank you." I shyly reply. He  shrugs as if it's nothing.

"No prob." He handles the kettle, and moves it completely out of my sight, probably so I won't be my clumsy self and get burnt again.

We move to the living room to watch some TV, Aidan plops down on the big sofa, and I take small lounging chair to the right of him.

Aidan pats the seat next to him. What is it? Does he want me to sit there...with him? I gulp.

"Why so far away Delores? Come sit by me." Aidan pouts, with the most adorable face.

Has he forgotten I have a boyfriend? I mean, I don't like him very much, but I could never bring myself to sneak around with a guy without him knowing. Not sexually of course, I don't think Aidan would ever see me that way. I blush at the thought of it.

"Aidan, I have a boyfriend.." I answer, looking down at my lap.

Suddenly, my chin is tilted up by Aidan's finger, and I'm met with his beautiful eyes.

"Forget about him when you're with me."

I stare at him deeply, how can one person make my heart flutter so much. It's like the instant he speaks to me I instantly want to follow him around like a dog on a leash, I'm tied to the stranger I met just this morning, and it amazes me too.

He doesn't wait for my response, as he pulls arm to sit with him on the big sofa.

We sit down, awfully close, and I blush and look at anything but Aidan next to me.

I can tell he's amused by this. Damn you Aidan, know how to make a girl flustered huh?

I start to feel drowsy, and slowly drift off, falling asleep on Aidan's shoulder. I can see him smile before all my surroundings disappear into blackness.

• • •

I stir, to find myself on my bed, and no longer on the uncomfortable couch. How did I get here? Is Aidan still downstairs? I find a yellow sticky note next to my pillow.

"Thanks for letting me over yesterday, it was fun, see you soon. X


My heart flutters, and I smile. I was thinking maybe last night was just a dream, but now I know it wasn't.

I shower and get ready, I had forgot that I had work at the pizzeria. I work part-time at a small pizzeria called Tarantino's. They recently lowered my pay, due to some financial issues, but it's the best job I can get at this point. I have to help mom pay the bills.

After I get my work gear on, I head out. I start up my rusty car and hum all the way to the song on the radio, on my way to work.

Once I arrive, I do the usual, greet my co-workers, sign in, prepare the pizza dough, and such.

"Delores, could you buss tables today?" My boss, Danielle, asks me. I nod and walk over to the register, waiting for some customers.

The door chime jingles, signifying that someone has walked in, and I look up.

Of course it has to be him, Aidan freaking Gallagher, with his signature smirk. As his eyes meet mine he looks just as surprised as me. Nonetheless he has a seat at a table, and rings the bell.

I go to his table.

"What are you doing here? Why do you follow me everywhere?!" I whisper-yell.

He chuckles. "Relax Delores, I had no idea you even worked here, I've been filming all day, and this was the closest place to the set." He fiddles with the menu on the table.

Filming? I knew Aidan was beautiful but I had no idea he was an actor.

"Filming? Are you an actor?" I question, eyebrows raised.

He nods in response, he quickly changes the subject though.

"Do you guys have vegan pizza with no gluten?" He asks.

I nod, and show him the options of the menu. "I'll have a vegan cheese pizza then, garlic crust." He folds his menu and smiles a pearly, white, full-toothed smile at me.

I giggle, telling him he'll be served soon. I give the order to the back so they can make his pizza.

Later, I serve him his pizza. He smiles and thanks me.

"It's about time for my lunch break, anything else you need?" I ask Aidan.

He shakes his head. "What are you eating for lunch?" He asks me.

I'd forgotten to pack lunch today, seeing as id forgotten I had work today. I was pretty hungry too but I'd be fine I guess.

"Nothing. I forgot to pack lunch today." I look down, tray in hand. Of course my stomach has to loudly rumble at this time. Aidan's eye dart toward my stomach, and I blush and we both laugh.

"Come eat with me." He gestures to the empty seat across from him, eyebrows raised.

Written July 6, 10:48 am, 00fsies.

"We May not be together, but we can be together in the lucid world that I call
My dreams."


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