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I woke up to Crystal's song of choice, 'All Day' by Cody Simpson. No offense, but I hate being woken up by preppy music. I love his songs, really. But when I wake up? No, its not happening. Every day I'm woken up by my friends favorite songs because when I hear the song I know who is taking me to school. Being me, I'm horrified to drive a car. Then my phone vibrates. Ugh! Didn't I tell them that I don't do pranks anymore? That I'm on vacation?! Once all the teachers heard about me and Terrance, they encouraged us to stay together because they LOVED the new Neptune. I answered my iPhone. "Aye." I say. The ring tones are for my new friends, vibrate for my old ones so Terrance couldn't hear it and lecture me. "Yo, Neptune." a voice said. The voice I used to love and why I retired. Hassan. "What do you want?" I asked. "We got a little problem... See here.." Hassan hesitated. "What? Tell me or I'll hang up." I threaten. "Well, Mars tried to make up for you after you left. And Francis came looking for you. And Mars said that he was repping for you so they tried to do a DD without you. It was big, Neptune. It was real bad," Hassan says. Pause! "You let my ONLY brother do a big DD and I CLEARLY instructed you not to do big DDs without me directing you. Correct?" I say. "Correct," Hassan says .

"I told you not to do big DDs without me!" I exclaim. "We told him!" he replied. "How big was the DD, Hassan?" I sighed. "They was trying to transport it to Russia." Hassan said. Oh. My. God. "No." I say. "We don't sell there! Francis knows that!" I exclaim. "Doesn't he know how risky that is?!" I continued. "Wheres Mars?" I asked suddenly. "He got caught. He's in jail." Hassan said and my eyes popped out of my head. I should have been there. Mars doesn't deserve jail, I do. "How many years?" I ask. "Nineteen." Hassan answered. "Holy crap." I say. I sigh, now I have to save Mars. "I'll be at the House in about ten minutes." I say. "DD time?" Hassan asked. "DD time." I say and hang up. I text Crystal,telling her that I'm not going to school. The House was a place where all rebels and DDs lived, my friends. I used to do drug deals, the best in the House. Second, the first being my father. But after I became normal, I stopped the one thing I was good at. I did a make over on myself, moved in with my cherry mother (Daddy lived in the House with us.), got together with Terrance and settled down. My dad was THE drug dealer. He taught me how to do DDs and how to run and own the streets. He even gave me jobs to do for street cred. And I got a LOT. I went to change into some clothes acceptable for the House. After I got dressed I bolted to the garage to get my Black Stallion, my prize possession. When I came home, I told mom that I didn't want to do drug deals anymore and about Terrance. She immediately took me in and said that I need a new car to catch Terrance's attention. She put Black Stallion in the garage. I realize that Stallion has been in here for QUITE a while because she has dust all over her, making her normally black coat look gray. Have I really been out the streets for that long? Long enough for Stallion to be that dusty? I grab a rag randomly and start dusting Stallion's sides. Then I gasp in horror and look down at the rag. Freshly. Gray. Paint. Well.... Nothing I can do now. I paint the sides, making gray flames. Then I grab a new rag and look at it. Clean rag. Good, good. I wipe her down until she sparkles. I get on and start the engine.

As I roll up the driveway to the House, everyone on the lawn either says:

"Welcome back, Neptune!'

"Where ya been?"

"Did you and Terrance break up yet? I'll help you get over your pain!"

"I missed you!"

"Wassup, Neptune?"

"How ya been? Do any DDs lately?"

"Nice wheels!"

I stopped in front of my reserved parking space. "Who parked in my parking space?" I yelled. A murmurs of "Oh no"s and "Who is so stupid to do that"s and "Who did that?"s was heard. "I did it." a guy strides up to me and everyone gasped. I locked eyes with him, staring him down. A newbie. Oh, he doesn't know me yet. He finally made his way to me. Since my parents and family members are tall, we were about the same height. "What are ya gonna do?" he challenged. "I will come to your dorm in the middle of the night,do the Creep on ya and chop your balls off and feed them to the stray cats I passed by earlier. They seemed pretty hungry." I say. Everyone snickered, while he kept his calm. "Why would you be doing the creep on me? Got a secret you wanna tell us?" he retorted. "Yes, I do." I say. "I'll beat your-" I was cut off by my Dad storming outside and yelling, "Neptune! Welcome back!" I turned around. "Papa!" I giggle. We hugged. "I see that you have met Lars, our third best DD." Dad said. "You be lying." I said, and started laughing. "The THIRD best DD after ME is Mars. This guy-" I pointed my thumb at him- "can't be better than Mars. Daddy you're funny." I finished. "Should I be offended?" Lars asked. "Mars got sent to jail. Isn't that why you're here?" Dad said. "I don't care if he got sent to jail! He will always be the third best DD! You are NOT replacing my brother for HIM!" I exclaimed, pointing at him. "How dare you!?" I say. Obsidian runs over to me. "Neptune, stop screaming." She said. "I'm not screaming! If Daddy didn't try to replace Mars - our own BLOOD- this wouldn't have been happening!" I exclaimed. "Why are you replacing Young Blood?!" I exclaimed and stormed inside the house. I passed by Hassan, Smokey, Blue, and Lyon as I fumed.

I heard their footsteps as they followed me. I went to my second favorite place - Mars room. "Aye, we can't go in there!" Smokey said when he realized where I was going. "Who's gonna tell? I don't follow rules, stupid old things!" I replied. "Never changed, I see." Blue chuckled. I opened the door to Mars room. His flat screen TV- OUR flat screen TV wasn't on. That's so weird, because Mars and I would leave it on. I walked to the TV. Ice. Cold. "No.." I murmured. His closet doors were open, but he usually keeps them closed so nobody could take his shoes. He LOVED his shoes- he had a lot! He had all kinds, flip flops, sneakers, boots, name them.Probably more than me. I checked his closet. His blue and black ones were gone - he probably wore them before the big bust. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I screamed. "WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM!?" I screamed at Hassan. "I told you to protect Mars- my only brother- and you DIDN'T STOP HIM!!?" I screamed at him. "Neptune,calm down." Lyon said. " NO! HE LET MY YOUNG BLOOD GO OUT THERE AND GET CAUGHT!" I screamed.

Then I remembered someone who played a key role in this. "Move." I said. "Why?" Blue asked . "I said, MOVE!" I exclaim and shove Smokey and Hassan away from the door. "Where is he?" I fumed. "Where's WHO?" Blue asks. "You know WHO!" I say. "No,we don't." Lyon says. "FRANCIS! THE BOY WHO GOT MY BROTHER IN JAIL! WHERE IS HE?!" I roared, looking around in the dining room. Then I see his partner. "Where's Francis?" I asked him, grabbing his shirt and lifting him up so we're eye level. "In his room!" he surrendered. I threw him to the side carelessly and stomp back upstairs. All I kept hearing was:

"Neptune, calm down!"

"Neptune, stop!"

"Oh, no!"

"Francis is gonna get it now!"

And in my head, it kept me going with words of encouragement.

"Don't stop, Neptune!"

"Don't be calm, be angry!"

"He made Young Blood go in jail!"

"Don't stop and kill him! Kill him!"

"New nickname! Don't- Stop- Kill- Him- Kill- Him!"

Oh, Francis is going down. I barged into Francis' room. He was with one of his hook ups. "FRANCIS!" I roar. He jumps up. "Oh.. Um. Neptune! Hi!" Francis says. "You made my brother go to jail! You INSISTED that he helped you! And how stupid are you!? WE DON'T TRANSPORT TO RUSSIA!" I yelled, getting in his face. "Look, i'm sorry. I'll bail him out, take the blame, anything! I know Mars doesn't deserve jail. As long as I have been in this game, I should be in jail!" Francis paused. "He's a good kid, he always looked up to Daddy." Francis continued. "Make me jealous, even..." Francis muttered. I said nothing and simply walked out. A rush of thoughts ran through my head. One thing kept repeating itself : What to do? What. Do. I. Do. Now..? I walked to my room, which I insisted to Daddy to let me share with Lyon and Blue. He agreed and allowed Hassan and Smokey to bunk with Mars. I busted into my room. "Oh he-!" I yell before Blue runs in. "We got a new room." Blue interrupted me. "Oh no, this is our room! What you sayin' is that your willing to leave all our memories that we made in this room behind?" I asked incredulously. Lars was sitting on my bed. "Get out." I say to him. "Excuse me?" Lars asked. "Excuse NOTHING! GET OUT!" I roar, grabbing his ear. I pick him up and drag him in the hall. I run to the room and he grabs my waist from behind, making me fall on him. We tussle around and I start screaming. "HE'S TRYING TO FREAK ME! RAPE! OSAMA BIN LADEN! NINE EIGHTEEN!" I scream randomly and he releases me. I run to the room and yell, "THROW EVERYTHING LARS INTO THE HALL!" Lyon and Blue nods excitingly.

"This t- shirt is his!"

"This has LARS written all over it."

"I think we can keep the flat screen TV."



"Say thanks to Lars for the presents!"

"Thanks Lars!"

"You are SO nice!"

"This is SO his."

"No! It's mine! He kept that!"

"Ooh that jerk- off!"

"Well, its his now..."

We kept laughing as we threw all his stuff in the hall. After we finished I yelled, "You better hurry before Berry tries to sell your stuff!" we cackled as we watched Lars scramble around to pick up as much as he can. "There goes Berry!" I say, watching Berry do his 'I'm About To Steal Your Crap' walk. Berry picks up his sneakers,and Lars gasps like O o O and kicks him in his knee. We snicker as we watch Lars and Berry pick up stuff. "Go Berry!" we kept repeating. "Come on Blue! Our stuff!" Lyon says and Blue widens her eyes and nod. They scurry out the room.

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