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I opened my eyes to see Terrance slumped over my knee, sleeping. I looked around to see various flowers and balloons decorating the room. I lifted my knee and he flew away from my bed in shock. "Neptune!" He gasped. I smiled. "What happened?" I asked. "Well you passed out after Hassan stabbed you..." he paused and walked back towards me. He got in my face and started plucking me. "Why would you do that for me?!" He exclaimed angrily. I shrugged. "I guess I really like you." I answered. His face softened. "You said you loved me to Hassan." He said softly. "I did?" I asked shyly. "Yes." He said goofily. "You beat me to it." He smiled at me. "I... what?" I sputtered at him. "I was nervous to tell you but I feel the same way." He admitted. I grabbed his hand and looked him in his eyes. "You should NEVER feel scared to tell me anything. I want you to feel like you can come to me about anything no matter what terms we're on." I tell him sincerely. "I will from now on." He tells me and I kiss him.
Crystal takes it upon herself to run in the room. "Neptune!" She exclaims. "You're awake? It would've been good to tell everyone, Terrance." Crystal scolds him. "I didn't want him to yet." I tell her and she rolled her eyes. "Your dad and uncles was here." She tells me. "Was?" I repeated. Crystal started rubbing her neck. "The second they heard Hassan did it they went to go find him." She tells me awkwardly. I rolled my eyes. "Typical." I said. "Can you call my dad?" I asked her and she nodded. "I'll be back." She said, walking out of my room, leaving us in silence.
"I was so nervous, Neptune... I didn't know what to do. This is my first time being in a situation like this." Terrance tells me, holding my hand. "I hope it's the last." I replied. "I hate that I'm so sheltered... I'm trying to learn this lifestyle that you used to have..." he said quietly and I tightened my grip on his hand. "Don't ever feel that way. I wished for the lifestyle you have. You're so lucky to be sheltered from what I used to be exposed to. It wasn't easy at all." I tell him seriously, and he slowly nodded. "I accept that this is a part of you and I don't care. I truly want to be with you." Terrance said, followed by applause. "I really like this one, Neptune." My dad said, smiling. I made a straight face at him and he stopped clapping. "I guess I'm in trouble, huh?" He asked. "I'll go get some water, Neptune." Terrance said awkwardly. He kissed me on my forehead and quickly walked out. "What were you thinking?!" I hissed at him. "No, what was Hassan thinking!? He knew what he was doing Neptune, you could've died!" He said angrily, slamming the door. "You're the only daughter I got, Neptune! How dare he almost take you away from me?! You mean the world to me, baby! Without you and your brother I'm NOTHING!" He continued. "We had to find that boy and teach him a lesson. Nobody messes with a child of mine and get away with it!" He said, tears in his eyes. "Well, did you find him?" I asked quietly, not looking at him. He walked over to me, forcing me to look at him. "He was waiting for me at the House." He tells me honestly. "He knew he couldn't hide from you, daddy." I said, and he laughed. "Facts no copy machine. Did I say it right?" He smiled and I laughed at him. "It's all facts no PRINTER." I corrected him and he laughed. "Right." He shook his head. "You keep me young." He said, messing with my hair. "Dad!" I groaned, trying to move away from him. He laughed as he said "Let me stop playing with you." He stared at me. "What?" I asked. "I like this whole I woke up like this and bedhead thing you got going on." He paused, waving his hands around my head for emphasis. "I'm trying to memorize it so I can be like you when I grow up." He said and I covered my head with the covers, making him laugh. "I love you girl." He smiled at me. "I love you too Daddy." I tell him before Crystal ran inside. "Can you come help me?" Crystal asked, looking at Daddy with a serious look. "I'll be back sweetie." He said, raising his eyebrow before quickly following Crystal. I closed my eyes, knowing whatever was going on would be handled by Crystal.

"Neptune?" Somebody asked. I opened my eyes to see a random woman staring down at me. "Who's asking?" I replied, sitting up. "A messenger." The stranger said, taking out a letter. "From?" I asked. "Your brother." She said, giving me the letter. "How is he?!" I asked quickly. "Fine. He's a leader, definitely not a follower." She gave me a knowing smile. "He quickly rose to the top of the food chain so now he's running things pretty smoothly. The OG's have taken a liking to him." She paused, licking her lips. "He's very respected and liked for the most part." She said, looking at me. "Liked by the other inmates or you?" I asked and she blushed. "Both." She said shyly and I laughed. "Make sure my brother is okay in there and I have no problem with you.." I said. "Marisol." She tells me. "I know your face now, watch yourself sis." I tell her and she smiled at me warily. "He did tell me you're pretty intimidating." She told me, and I laughed. "I don't play about my brother." I said seriously. "All he does is talk about you and whenever one of the inmates try to make a joke about you he shuts it down right then and there." She said and I laughed. "Sounds like my brother." I nodded my head. "Maybe I should make a visit." I said. "He would love that." She nodded. "So who are you to my brother?" I asked. She rubbed her neck. "A friend." She said, looking away. I studied her face for a moment before making a realization. "You have a crush on him!" I exclaimed and she whipped her head towards me. "I could never!" She spat out. "Why, what's wrong with my brother? Too good for a convict?" I asked her and she blushed. "He uh... Messes with the head guard." She said sheepishly. "Oh." I said. "Why didn't she give me this letter then?" I asked. "He said he trusts me more. Plus... She's working tonight." She said wistfully. "I see. I will read this letter and respond soon, give me your number and I'll text you when I'm done." I said, and we exchanged numbers. "Also, I would like for my brother to get a phone." I said. "How?" She asked. "You're smart, you'll make it happen." I tell her slowly and she looked up to the ceiling. We was quiet for a few moments as we thought about what we told each other. "It was nice meeting you, Neptune." She said, breaking the silence. "See, meeting me wasn't so bad." I said and she laughed. "Definitely. I'll see you around." She said and I waved. She walked out, passing Daddy in the hallway. "Who's she?" He asked. "A good friend." I said. "A familiar one." He said. "I bet she is." I looked at him. "What's that supposed to mean?!" He exclaimed and I laughed.

The next day, my mother came to see me. She walked in to see Daddy sitting at my side. I saw her eyes flash with anger, and I knew she was about to blow up. She walked over to him and peered down at him, angrily. That was her way of trying to establish dominance with him before he stood over her. "I knew your no good business would interfere with the kids safety!" She exclaimed, pointing her finger at him. "I know." He said, defeated. "I've been here, where have you been!?" He exclaimed, standing up. "Unlike you, I was making an honest living!" She snapped back. "You always put work before the kids!" He replied, angrily. I rolled my eyes. "Don't start in here. If that's what you want to do then get out." I said and they looked at me in shock. "I'm not leaving." My mom said, crossing her arms. She shot my father a pointed look. "Me either." He lashed out before sitting back down. My mother stared at him in disbelief. "Aren't you going to let me sit in the chair?" She asked him. "Are you too good to sit on the hospital bed?" He responded. "Stop being childish and get her a chair." I told him. "She can have my chair, it should be warm now." He said, getting up and walking out the door. "That man is so aggravating!" My mother said, rolling her eyes as she sat down. The nurse walked in, carrying in flowers. "There's a note attached, Neptune." She tells me, placing the flowers on the table. "A secret admirer!?" My mother squealed as Daddy walked in. "It better not be." Daddy said, slamming the chair down. "Let's find out." I said and opened the card.

Hey sis,
Loved your idea about the phone so I have the girls working on it as u read this. I kno your # by heart so I'll call u the second I get it. I heard you're in the hospital so I got Mari to buy these flowers for u. Word travels back to me fast, I know Hassan did it so I will handle him when I see him. No one messes with you and don't hear from me.
Trust and love ,

I looked up at my parents expectant faces. "Well? Who is it?" My mom pressed. "Mars." I whispered. "Let me see that!" My mom exclaimed, reaching for the note. "No!" I snapped, and she reeled back like my words burned her. "Those two and their secrets." Daddy said, and Mommy pulled out her phone. "Right." She said, dejectedly.

I woke up to see the newbie at the House staring down at me. "Why are you here?" I asked, staring back at him. "I wanted to see this for myself." He said, motioning to me. "The famous Neptune resting in somebody's hospital." He continued, walking up to the chair by my bed. He brought the chair closer to my bed before spinning the chair around backwards and sitting down. "So tell me. How does it feel?" He asked, staring at me curiously. "Living a luxurious double life like this. Is it all smiles, glitter, and bubble gum like it seems in the books and movies?" He asked before laughing. He had an infectious laugh. Before I realized what I was doing, I started smiling at him. "Irritating." I said, and he laughed harder. "Let me stop playing." He said, and got serious. "I thought I had you all thought out." He said, looking at me. "A true daddy's girl through and through. A girl who likes to live on the edge and be different." He continued. "That is me." I said. "No, Neptune... You changed yourself to be like everyone else and follow the status quo. That is something I can't support." He shook his head at me. "How can you be content with changing who you truly are to follow a boring lifestyle?" He asked. "I..." I struggled for words. Lars held up his hand. "You don't have to explain yourself to me. I just wanted you to know that I'm going to be around you more. We're going to school together now, and I don't want any trouble." He tells me and got up. He started to walk towards the door, then he turned around. "If your boyfriend or his friends try to start trouble with me though, I'm not going to back down." He smirked at me then walked out the door, leaving me worried.

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