Giving Me Chills

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I jumped up as a pillow hit my face. "Lars!" I exclaimed angrily. "Is the little kitty mad?" He laughed. "I woke you up to tell you something," he said seriously. He sat on the end of my bed. "I've been texting  your boyfriend all morning and I think he's okay as a person or whatever." He sighed. My mouth dropped. "You were what?!" I exclaimed. "Yes, you heard me right. He sent me a good morning text and we talked about you." Lars flipped his invisible weave. "I'm like totally slaying the game right now," Lars said in a high voice. "Yass!" I laughed.  "Don't forget to call that man. I'm going to eat, see ya!" He walked out the door. I closed the door behind him. I stood against the door and sighed. Obsidian's dad is a hothead who's really scary. Thankfully, I've only seen the nice side of him. I grabbed my phone off the charger and sat on my bed. I went to Obsidian's dad's contact information. He is one of the few people who has a contact photo on my phone. It was a picture of us making silly faces. We took this a month or two before I left the House. I pressed his number and put the call on speaker. After three rings, he picked up. "Hello?" I said nervously. I heard a light chuckle. "Hi, Neptune baby!" He said cheerfully. I started smiling hard at the sound of his voice. "Where have you been, sir? I've been home for a while and you didn't visit me yet? How fake!" I teased. "Oh! You're home and you didn't let me know? How rude!" he laughed. "Oh, how I missed you, my sweet girl." He sighed. "I'll wrap some things up and make my way over there today." he tells me. "Aww you don't have to, I'm not that special." I laughed. "Yes, you are. I missed you so much. We have to catch up. We can even go out like we used to."  He insisted. I started to get nervous, I still didn't want to leave the House because of Hassan. "We can stay in. I don't feel like going out." I told him. "Whatever you want. I'll see you soon. I love you." he replied. "I love you too." I hung up. I sighed and laid back down. Someone will have to wake me up when he got here. I was too tired to try to stay up and wait. I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.

I woke up to someone pounding on the door. "Neptune, you have a visitor!" Daddy yelled through the door. "Come in!" I yelled. Daddy opened the door to reveal Obsidian's dad. "I'll see you later, Daddy." I said. "You can close the door," I added. Obsidian's dad, Valentine, walked in and closed the door in Daddy's face. The second he looked at me, a big smile crossed his face. "Hi, my sweet girl." he cooed. I immediately got out of the bed and went to hug him. "I missed you!" I said into his chest. "I missed you too," he gave me a tight hug. I groaned because it hurt my stitches. "What's wrong?" He asked. I lifted up my shirt to show my stitches. He immediately looked angry. "Who did this to you?!" He hissed. "I need to sit down." I whispered. He helped me get back to the bed. "Tell me everything so I can make them suffer," he said softly. Even though I know Daddy is handling it, Valentine goes to the extra mile. Daddy handles the source of the problem. Valentine goes for the source and their loved ones. I sighed, knowing that he could tell if I was lying. If I didn't tell him, he would just find out from someone else. Naturally, I told him everything. I told him everything about the Hassan situation. I also told him about my fight with Obsidian and why I attacked her. "She always chased behind boys that didn't want her." he rolled his eyes. "Are you mad at me?" I asked, laying on his shoulder. "No, she deserved it. To be honest," he laughed. I laughed along with him. In his eyes, I could never do wrong. "I'll talk to her about it." he kissed my forehead. "Thank you," I whispered. "I'm back now, no one will hurt you or your brother without consequences." he paused. "I also told your dad and Mars that I wanted to have a conversation about how we should respond to Mars getting locked up. The man who is the cause of his sentencing is still happily walking around but I will fix that." he added. "I agree, he should be dealt with." I said. "This is why you're my girl. You always got my back, just like I got yours." Valentine said softly. "Forever." I smiled. We were quiet for a while because we were both lost in our thoughts. "Let's get this meeting started," Valentine said suddenly.

Valentine and I walked to Daddy's office, arm in arm. Daddy,Mars, and Axel sat inside waiting. "Hello," Valentine said. We sat down on the couch together. "Everything alright?" Axel raised his eyebrow. Valentine took out a blunt and lit it before speaking. "Yes, why wouldn't it be? Obsidian got what she deserved," he passed the blunt to Mars. "OOP!" Mars laughed before hitting it. "What do you think? No huff. Straight from overseas. This is what I've been working on and I finally got it." Valentine rubbed his hands together. "This is real nice. I'm gonna fail my drug test but it was worth it."Mars said, hitting it again. They laughed together. "This is for you, my boy. Welcome home," Valentine smiled. "Thanks, pops!" Mars dapped him up. Daddy rolled his eyes at the encounter. "So? What's the plan?" Valentine clapped his hands. "For? What happened?" Mars asked, confused. "You have to be avenged for your sentencing, son. What do you want us to do for you? Of course, if we do anything it wouldn't be traced back to you." Valentine assured him. "I'm fine where I'm at. I got everything I want at my disposal.Girlfriends, free tattoos, you name it." Mars paused. "You can make him lose one of his girlfriends though. He didn't get caught because he answered one of his girlfriend's phone calls," Mars added. "You got it. I will call my men and have it done." Valentine said, taking out his phone. "I want it done after my party." Mars hit the blunt again. "I wasn't invited?" Valentine teased, typing on his phone. "You already know you can come with however many people you want," Mars laughed. "I'll take care of the party too." Valentine said as he typed on the phone. "Obsidian and the girls are taking care of the party.." Mars said. Valentine stopped typing and rolled his eyes. "As I said, I'll take care of it. Obsidian is too messy. You seen what trouble she's caused for our sweet Neptune," Valentine waved his hand in the air as if he was dismissing her. "Obsidian will understand. She always does," Valentine sighed and started typing on his phone. "With me taking care of your party, I promise you it'll be lit. Lets have it tomorrow, Friday evening." Valentine said, not looking at us. "Bet!" Mars said happily. "Thanks pops, love you! I gotta tell my boos." Mars ran out of the room, making Valentine laugh. "He reminds me of my younger self." Valentine murmurred. "You're still young." I laughed. Valentine is ten years younger than my dad. "I know, darling." We laughed together. "I'm glad we had this chat, I'll see you all later." Valentine got up. "I'm going to get this party ready, I'll see you later hon." Valentine told me. "I wanna come!" I pouted. "You can come," he laughed. "Be careful!" Daddy called out. "Do you know who I am? I'm untouchable." Valentine said cockily. "Right. I was referring to her stitches." Daddy chuckled. "Oh! Duhh!" Valentine smacked himself. "Bye guys," I laughed and followed Valentine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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