Telling My Mom 'Bye' Is Hard

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I walked into my house, and my mom tackles me into a hug. "Oh, Neptune! You're back! I thought you were taken away by somebody!" Mom says. "No, Hassan called me." I say. She pulls away from me. "Hassan? Why is he calling you?" Mom asks. "Because Mars got sent to jail, now I have to go find a way to get him out." I told her. Lying to my Mom is NOT good. I learned that the hard way. "What!?" She exclaims, breaking down in tears. "I know, I know." I cooed, rubbing soothing circles on her back. "How many years is my baby boy is going to be in jail?" she asked quietly. "Nineteen," I say, feeling the tears I had been holding in trying to make a appearance. "NINETEEN!?" she screamed. "No. No.. No! NO!!" she screamed. "I can't lose my baby boy! You have to save him, Neptune! You have to!" Mom sniffled. "I will. I swear on that." I say and help her get up. "I'm going to go move back in the House with Daddy so I can see what needs to be done there." I informed her. "Okay," She nodded. "I'll be here when I can." I say and I walk upstairs to go pack. When I moved in the House with Daddy, Mars lived with Mommy before he moved with us.


I sat on the couch with Mars, watching Teen Nick. He isn't like other boys, I thought. Its our tradition on every Friday to watch Degrassi together, he would get the popcorn and I would get the Gatorade. Red Gatorade with fruit punch soda. The soda gave the Gatorade the POP. I sat Indian Style position, and Daddy came in through the door. His brown business suit was a mess, and he was trying to put all his papers in his briefcase with Mars and I's names on it. Then it came to me. Daddy was cheating on Mommy. "Hi, Dad." Mars said, taking in Daddy's appearance. "Hi, Mars. Hi, Neptune." Daddy replied, kissing Mars and I on our foreheads. "Where's your mother?" He asks. "In the kitchen." Mars answered. Mars was close to Mommy, and I was close to Daddy. Or used to, that is. "I have news to tell you all." Dad informed us. Mars and I looked at each other uneasily. "Honey? Can you come out here for a minute?" Dad called. "Sure." Mom replied and she appeared out of the kitchen. "Well.. I lost my job two days ago." Dad said. "What!?" Mom, Mars, and I exclaim. "I've been looking around for a new job and I found one." Dad continued. We sighed in relief. "What's your new job, honey?" Mom asked. "A drug dealer." Dad answered and I widened my eyes. "No way." Mars shook his head. " I'm moving out and into a new place. It's called the House." Dad says. This can't be happening. "You're leaving us?" I asked. "No! Well, yes. I'm moving out, but I'll be here every other day visiting you. Nothing has to change." Dad says. "Oh, yes. Something DOES have to change." Mom says, angrily. "What?" Mars and I asked in surprise. "I will NOT be married to a drug dealer who runs in the streets all day! I have a reputation to hold, and your new 'career' will NOT help me get new friends! Either you drop this new 'career' and stay with me and your children so we can be a normal family, or leave and we can get divorced!" Mom exclaimed. "But-" Dad started. "No nothing! What if one of Mars or Neptune's friends find out about your new career and they hurt Mars and tease Neptune!? No way! I am NOT allowing this new career to ruin our children's lives." Mom says. We were silent as we took into consideration of what Mom said. It's true, the girls would tease me while the boys would be even worse to Mars! 'I don't want nothing to happen to you. So, I suppose I'm leaving." Dad says finally. "Okay," Mars says. I turn to my brother. "You'll let him go!?" I exclaimed. "Yes, because I want to play football and have a normal life. I want my Dad to be in my life, but I also want him to be proud of me too." Mars says. "If he DOES leave, I want him to have a son to actually have something to brag about." Mars continued. He somewhat does have a point.. "How about this, Neptune will stay with me in the House while Mars stay with you?" Dad asked. I looked at Mars, then Mommy. Leave Mars? "If you're sure, fine." Mom says, walking over to Mars and hugging him, as if that's supposed to keep Daddy away from him. "Bye Mars," I sniffled. "Bye Neptune," Mars sniffled back. 'I will always love you," I say. "I will always love you too," Mars said and we hugged.


I pack my bags and run downstairs. "Bye, Mom!" I say and we hug. I wanted to jump in glee so badly, but I had to walk so my Mom would think I was sad about leaving her. Yeah, I would miss her, but I'm going back to the House! I've missed the feeling of the DDs, watching Berry take other people's things, Hassan beat Smokey in basketball and Smokey's comebacks, Blue's nail designs, Lyon's humor... Home. I'm coming back home. At long last! I won't be judged on my clothes, what I say, if I watched what TV show, and if I read the new magazine. I can wear my basketball shorts without criticism in peace. My Nike's in silence. My motorcycle boots with everybody in envy because they can't get them. My hair in my usual highlights. The whole deal. I have to remake myself. So I hopped on my bike, and drove to the nearest hair store to get my highlights. I lingered outside. If Terrance saw my highlights, then he would know that I'm going back to my old ways and break up with me and the other cheerleaders would shun me. But, Terance would love me no matter what, right? I got off my motorcycle and went inside. He would love me still. Then I backed out and ran outside to my motorcycle. I feared that Berry was around here and he would try to take my stuff and sell it back at the House. I drove to the House.

"Neptune!!" Lyon screams. "She came back!!!" Blue screamed. "Oh. My. God! NO!" Lars gasped. "NEPTUNE WHY DIDN'T YOU DYE YOUR HAIR BACK!" Lyon yelled. "I dunno." I answered, honestly., I missed my highlights. They were like a part of me that I could never give away. "Come on! Your lucky I didn't trade Berry my leftover highlights!" Lyon says. "Okay." I agreed. After we dyed my hair, I saw Hassan checking me out like when he did the first day I moved into the House.


As Mars and I walked into the House, I took note of my surroundings. It looked like a mansion, with its fancy details and fancy decorations... Or maybe because its almost Christmas? "Neptune! I'm so glad that your here! Let me get one of the boys to help Mars carry your bags to your dorm." Dad says excitingly and Mars nodded. "Hassan! Come here!" Dad called to a boy in a red bandanna. Holy -"Mars, Neptune, this is Hassan. He's one of my proteges." Dad says. "Wassup, bruh?" Hassan said to Mars. We looked at him in confusion. Dad pulled Hassan over to the side and whispered something in his ear. "Oh... Okay." Hassan says. "How ya' doin'?" Hassan asked instead. I noticed that he had a slight accent. "Lemme take these up to your dorm... Neptune," He hesitated and grabbed my bags. Mars grabbed my bags after him. Mars gave me a look that clearly said I don't trust this guy so I'll be upstairs to watch him closely. "Oh, here's Blue and Lyon now." Dad says and two girls bounced down the steps. "Girls, this is your new roommate, Neptune." Dad introduced us. Blue, surprisingly, didn't have blue hair! She had light brown hair, gray eyes, and sharp eyebrows; whilst Lyon had curly black hair and full pink lips. "Come on, lets see what the boys are doing." I said, and they nodded. "I 'll catch up with you later! Bye!" I waved at Dad. He smiled at me. I ran up the steps to catch up with the girls. I gasped as I watched Mars and Hassan tear apart our dorm by throwing all our stuff out of the drawers. Bras, underwear... Holy crap! "Mars!" I exclaimed, stomping over to him. "What are you doing?!" I screeched. "Um..." Mars said. "It's not his fault, its mine. I insisted that we do this small prank." Hassan stood up. 'This 'small prank' is NOT small at all!" I yelled. "Sorry." Hassan smirked and he left, Mars following. "We have to clean this up?!" Blue exclaimed. "Oh, we are so getting Hassan back. Trust me." I said. "WAIT!" Lyon said. "Huh?" I asked. "To be apart of our dorm, you have to do something risky." Lyon said. "Like?" I asked. "Something you never tried before." Lyon answered simply. "What colors do you have in hair dye?" I asked immediately. I always wanted to dye my hair, but Mom and Dad said their favorite word again... NO! "Blue , red and pink." Lyon answered. "Blue." I told her, smirking.

After I got my highlights done, it was time for dinner. Hassan waited for us at the end of the steps.He checked me out, like he was undressing me with his eyes. "Stop that!" Blue snapped at him. "Aye, wassup Hassan?" a guy said to him. "This is Zaire but we call him Smokey." Hassan says. I think I might like it here...


I loved dinner time. During dinner we would talk about our latest DDs and how to make the cops believe you. I really loved Berry's outragous and crazy stories. It made me want him in my crew. But Daddy said... NO! "Alright, Neptune, you remember where the Command Room is, right?" Dad asked me. "I haven't been gone that long, Dad." I said and he chuckled. "Your meeting with Hassan and them are after dinner." Dad said and walked off a little, but I called out to him. "Dad?" I called. "Yes, sweetheart?" He asked. "Can I get Berry on my crew for this mission? I think he can be a really good guy who can help get Mars out of there." I said. "Nobody was able to get a DD out of jail before in history... But if you want, okay." He gave in. "Yay!" I squealed. "But, Lars is going to help you out as well.  Bye bye!" Dad said, and ran away. "WHAT!?" I roared. How dare he put that traitor in my crew for this?! I'm gonna have to find how to get him out of this mission of saving Mars. He's just started out... 

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