You Were My Friend

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I walked into my room to see all of my stuff was gone. I was heated. I stormed through the hallways, looking for someone to give me an answer. "Neptune I was-" Mars started but I pushed past him, making him stumble. The bystanders who noticed this gasped. "What's gotten into her?" Mars sucked his teeth. I finally saw Daddy, and I realized Mars was hot on my trail. "Daddy!" I yelled, seeing the back of his head in the distance. He turned around to look at me. Axel appeared out of nowhere to stand beside him. "Yes?" he asked. "My stuff is gone. Where is it?" I asked him. "Oh good, you saw your surprise!" Axel clapped. "Surprise?" I repeated, my attitude dropping a little. "We moved you into one of the bigger rooms." Daddy tells me, smiling. "Oh!" I lost all of my anger. "I talked him into it. I showed him the designs you showed me before you left with your mother, and I think it's..." Axel trailed off, trying to think of the right word. "Banging! I think all the cool kids say that now." Axel said happily. Mars laughed and I smiled. I was too happy to try to correct him. "Thank you guys so much! Where is my new room?" I asked. "Follow us." Daddy said. They led us to the hallway of OG's, which is basically where the most respected sleep. No one dared to come down this hallway without being invited or tried to steal anything. If you did any of those to one of the members down this hallway, it wouldn't be very pretty. "Here you go, baby girl." Daddy opened a door. I peeked inside to see all of my stuff neatly placed in the room. "Thank you!" I screamed and jumped into Daddy's arms. Everyone laughed at my reaction. "I got you another surprise," Axel said, making Daddy's eyes widen. "What?!" Daddy and I chorused. "Look in the closet." Axel smiled. I ran to the closet, making them laugh again. Daddy and Mars were hot on my trail. I threw open the closet door to reveal a walk-in closet with a sitting area and various name brand shopping bags on the floor. "I had one of my girls go shopping for you. Only the best for my princess." Axel smiled. I jumped into his arms. "I love you!"I showered his face with kisses. "So jealous." Daddy said. I laughed as I jumped down. "You can get some love too." I showered him with kisses. "Ya'll are the best men ever. You three are my world." I said seriously. "Aww Neptune!" they cooed. I giggled. "This must've been so expensive," I said to Axe. "I'll make it back, don't trip." he said carelessly. "You can invite your girls over if you want." Daddy tells me. "I don't need your permission."  I flipped my hair. "OOO!" Mars and Axe laughed. "Let's go." Daddy said laughing. They walked out of my room. I started texting the girls, telling them to come over. "This is really nice." I heard a voice say from the doorway. I looked up to see Lars smiling at the room. For some reason, an image of him and Obsidian popped up in my mind. "Are you stalking me?" I sassed. "Girl, bye." Lars said. With no invitation, he walked into my room. "What do you want?" I asked. "A quick bike ride, me and you." he placed his hands in his pocket. "Why me?" I asked, seriously. He has so many females and guys ready to do what he wanted. "You don't look at me like I'm famous. I appreciate it." He said. I could tell he was genuine with the way his tone dropped. "Everyone tries to use me except you." he added, and I could relate. "Really quick." I raised my eyebrow at him. "You got it." he said, and it was clear he was excited. I grabbed my knife and stuck it in my bra. "Edgy." Lars laughed.

Crystal and the girls lived around thirty or so minutes away from me. I had more than enough time to ride with Lars and beat them to the House. We walked to get our bikes. "Let's do a friendly race." Lars said playfully. "It won't be friendly when I win," I teased. He let out a big laugh. "Whatever." He smiled. A group of girls came out of the House, led by Obsidian. "Hi Lars," the girls chorused with smiles. "Hi ladies," he said cooly. " Obsidian looked at me, and her smile dropped. I raised my eyebrow at her. "Lars, do you want to hang out with us right now?" she asked. "No, I'm busy hanging out with Neptune." he said before turning his back to her. Their mouths dropped and I stuck out my tongue at them. Obsidian gave me an evil glare. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Right Neptune?" she asked in a sickly sweet voice. "You were my friend so you know I would mind." following in Lars lead, I turned my back towards them as well to put on my helmet. "Whoever gets to the nearest gas station first wins," Lars said suddenly before he drove off. "Ta ta for now, girls!" I laughed as I followed him. He was pretty far from me at this point, so I didn't care about losing the bet.  I was just enjoying the moment. Today was a nice day with a cool breeze, and I was loving it. I saw Lars in the distance so I wasn't too worried about losing him. I was vibing on a empty street before a car suddenly cut in front of me and stopped. I screamed as I tried to stop my bike before I hit the car.  I stopped my bike just in time. I sat there, trying to get myself together. "Neptune, are you okay?" a familiar voice who I assumed was the driver asked. I immediately started to get panicked. This person deliberately cut in front of me, so it was only right for me to assume it was an enemy. I immediately went for my knife and was on the defensive. My mouth almost dropped when I realized who was standing in front of me. It was Hassan, in the flesh. "Neptune I'm so glad I caught you." Hassan sighed. "Yo, are you stalking me?!" I lashed at him, trying to hide my fear. He looked in the direction that Lars left in. He started to stare at me, saying nothing. "Hello?" I snapped. He kept staring at me, so I held the knife at his throat. "Answer me now, Hassan!" I basically screamed. He grabbed my wrist. "Watch yourself!" he said, catching an attitude. "How dare you?! You stab me and have the nerve to be upset with me? You're full of it." I spat at him. His hold on my wrist started to get tighter. "I won't repeat myself," he said angrily. I tried to take my arm back. I couldn't help it. "Hassan, stop! You're hurting me!" I cried. The look of anger his face held vanished. He dropped my wrist. "I'm so sorry." he kept repeating, kissing my wrist. "Stop it!" I snatched my arm back. "I just need to talk to you. I promise I won't hurt you." Hassan said. "In the middle of nowhere, away from my friends and family? Super suspicious." I rolled my eyes. He took a deep breath. "Why you keep hanging with that dude? He's bad news." Hassan said. "Just like you." I snapped. "This is all a misunderstanding, TuTu, please." Hassan pleaded. "We aren't together so stop following me around!" I hissed. "I brought you something." Hassan rushed to the trunk. He pulled out a box revealing red bottom shoes. I picked up one of the shoes in awe. I noticed there was marks on the bottom, and my anger rose. "Seriously? Used shoes?" I sucked my teeth. "She barely wore them, the only female who deserve these shoes in my life is you." he said quickly. I rolled my eyes. "I'm good, keep them. Daddy and Axel can buy me any shoes I want, brand new." I threw the shoe in the trunk. Hassan looked truly surprised. Back then, his gifts always won me over. "You gonna be like that, Neptune?!" Hassan cried out. "Yup!" I popped the p. "I'm done with you." I added. "Are you really? If I can't have you, what makes you think I'll let some nobody have you?" He said in a dark tone that gave me chills. "Daddy has a hit on you. I'm going to tell him to come now." I said quickly, trying to get my phone. "You won't." Hassan said, and he lifted me up by my neck. He started choking me in the air. "How dare you try to throw everything we have away?!" He said angrily. I clawed at his hands, hoping and praying he would let me go. All I kept thinking was that I was going to die. "You know I don't like you scratching me, stop it!" He hissed, adding more pressure to my throat. I couldn't breathe at all, and I was starting to lose consciousness. "You gonna learn to stop playing with me." Hassan hissed. As I started to close my eyes, I heard a loud pop. Hassan released my throat, dropping me on the ground. I took a deep breath and started coughing. I opened my eyes to see Lars on his bike, holding a gun. "You know I'm in a little predicament with the law and you still tested her." Lars said, standing over Hassan. Hassan was writhing in pain on the ground, holding his arm. "I'm ruthless when it comes to people I care about being hurt. You're done." Lars said so evilly that it scared me. I had to remember his anger was directed towards Hassan. "I will drag you on the back of my bike to the House." Lars said, stepping on Hassan's wound. Hassan started to scream. "Shut up, little girl." Lars rolled his eyes. "I hate the noise." Lars shot his other arm and legs. Lars proceeded to take out a long rope from his sack and tied Hassan like an animal. "Neptune, are you okay?! Did he hurt you anywhere else?! You're shaking!" Lars ran over to me, scared. I shook my head, unable to talk. Lars face turned angry and he kicked Hassan in the head. "You'll pay." Lars said before spitting on him. "Let's get you home." Lars said softly. "Can you drive?" he asked and I nodded. It took all of my strength to keep it together and not cry on the ride home.

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