The Hero's Return

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Hello there fellow readers! I don't think anyone is really going to be reading this but I will write it anyway. This is going to be my first ever fanfiction and I can't wait to get started. This is just going to be a regular Caleo fanfiction. I advise that you should first read 'Blood of Olympus' because this happens after the book ends. So really. If you don't want any ending spoilers do not read.

Disclaimer: All of the characters that were mentioned in PJO or HOO are owned by Rick Riordan and not me.

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The Flame of Hephaestus

Chapter 1

The Hero's Return

Leo's POV

We flew off. Going to some random place where we will end up. Calypso's arms around my waist. We kept on going. But after a few minutes of flying things already went wrong. Calypso suddenly yelped and she let go of me and grabbed her head. I pulled Festus to a stop and turned around to see what was happening. Then before I could say a word, she fell on top of me, unconscious.

"Calypso?" I shook her "This cannot be happening." What a great day this had been. First I was dead and was really hurt. Then I was injected by the horrible Physicians Cure. After that we landed on Ogygia where I was supposed to make an amazing entrance but fell head first into the sand. Finally, to top it of, my damsel in distress was knocked unconscious by gods knows what.

"It's just the process." A knew voice said. In front of me was my father Hephaestus sitting on Festus's head.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well to become mortal you would have to go through a process wi-" He was interrupted by me putting the time-out sign with my hands.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Why is she becoming mortal?"

"Because." That didn't seem to be a good answer. "Her immortality belongs to the Island. If you take her away from the island then it would make sense for her to lose it. It's like a robot and its central circuit. The circuit gives the robot energy for it to work. But if you take the robot away from the circuit it has no more energy."


"Leo, you are aware that you have broken ancient law right? Because of that you will have to go to Olympus for trial against the gods."

"What! That is so unfair! Calypso deserves her freedom! I just granted it. There is no reason why there should be a trial." I exclaimed.

"Well lucky for you, your friends are going to be awarded tomorrow for defeating the giants and Gaea, and you could get away with your crime against Zeus since you are the one that really defeated her. I will send you off to Olympus and you will arrive there tomorrow." With that being said, Hephaestus disappeared in a flash of sparks and I continued on my journey back home, ready to defend Calypso and myself from Zeus's wrath.

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