Working With the Legend

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Hey Guys!!! I cant believe that I actually found my stolen laptop after 3 months!! Yay!! In celebration for this achievement, I will write a new chapter for you!! Hope you like it!!

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters mentioned in pjo or hoo, Rick Riordan does.


Leo's POV (After the meeting where he first saw Calypso's ghost)

I unwillingly walked out the door of the meeting room leaving Calypso behind me I looked around and finally spotted Archimedes.

"Ah, There you are. About time you showed up. I thought you were going to get to mushy in there." He said in his rusky voice. "Shall we get started with that trap? I already have some ideas." With that, he walked away forcing me to come follow him. We walked down a stream of hallways and finally made our way to a round, metallic door. Archimedes pushed against it and once I saw what was behind the slab of metal nearly made me faint.

It was a room about the size of bunker 9 with machines everywhere. From electric wagons to Ironman suts. Yes!! Ironman suits!! I could see giant claws grabbing things from one place to another, dinosaur automatons being controlled by two laughing little boys that were comanding the automatons to start head-butting. Sparks flew, tools wizzed, it was a mechanics best wish. I was so busy admiring the place that I lost sight of Archimedes. I started wandering the place, looking for my guide when I finally found him talking to a big african-american. I walked towards them.

"Oh yes Leo, there we go. We were just talking about you. I would like you to meet my right hand man in this whole bunch, Charles Beckendorf.' Once Archimedes finished his sentence my mouth hung open. "Charles Beckendorf? As in the Beckendorf that blew up the princess andromeda?"

"Is there any other Beckendorf that you know of?" He said back.

"Dude!! You have got to teach me how to build the stuff that you left behind!! I need to build them!!" I screamed in excitement, jumping around.

"Woah, woah. Calm down Leo. I'm the one that should be asking you how to build stuff. I mean, I wasn't even able to keep that bronze dragon calm, you were able to fly it. Seriously, you built a flying boat!! I cant even get close to making that in the small amount of time that I had."

"Now, that's enough chit chat for now boys." Archimedes interupted. I nearly forgot he was there. "Sorry to interupt but Leo and I have to get to work." 

"Of course." Said Beckendorf in realization. "Well, good luck with that.' Then he walked away. Archimedes and I then walked to a seperate room.

"So, Lets get to work.' And so we did, creating a machine that was going to be frickin awesome.

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