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Hey guys, I am attempting to write two chapters in one day and I think I will succeed.

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters that are mentioned in pjo and hoo, rick Riordan does.


Flame of Hephaestus

Chapter 9

War stone

Leo's POV

I made a final fire travel to end up in central park and with all my luck I landed in front of Calypso. Once I saw her I immediately grinned from ear to ear.

"Hey." I said "Hey." She said back

"I missed you sunshine."

"I missed you to." She then crashed her lips onto mine and I just stood there not knowing what to do. Once my mind adjusted I held her waist and kissed back. "Don't ever leave me again." She said once we pulled apart. We were breathing heavily and were so close I could feel her hummingbird heart against mine. I then started kissing her again and she wrapped her legs around me. We finally pulled apart and stood hand in hand, ready to go back home. Then the ground started to rumble and rocks started flying to the centre of the grass area. They started attaching each other with moss and formed a huge body with six arms. The eyes started to glow ivy green and its head looked down at us. There was a loud shooting noise and Ares appeared on the figures shoulder.

"Hello there young ones!" He boomed. "I have brought you your next challenge. My dear Aphrodite has asked me to make things more interesting so I have brought Blairais here. I shall let him fight you and once he has won or been killed he shall return to Tartarus." Ares then popped away and Blairais stepped forward.

"I am Blairais!" He shouted."I have heard that you have defeated my mother and I shall punish you for that! I will return to Tartarus victorious with you head as a trophy!" All of a sudden, other rocks formed around creating a circular wall. I now knew that I had to do step 2 of the instructions Mr. D told me. I fetched out miniature metal box and opened it. It transformed I to mechanical angel wings.

"Calypso take this and go." I said in a rush.

"No! You said you wouldn't leave me! You promised." I saw a tear run down her face. I brushed it of with my thumb. "I'm sorry Calypso." I whispered to her. I quickly threw the wings onto her back and they automatically tightened onto Carly's body. The wings then lifted her off to camp half-blood.

"I heard her scream my name and order me to let her down. She was clearly crying. It hurt me to let her go but I couldn't let anything bad happen to her.

"Do not feel ashamed young hero." I heard Blairais say behind me "I was the first earthborn ever to be created by Gaea. I can control rocks and your fire cannot burn through them. You will have an honorable death." He then charged at me and the fight begun.


Sorry about the cliffy I really needed to get that. Chapter done. Anyways, hope you like it and comment and vote on my story.

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