chapter 3

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Y'all this update might been long so my bad keeping those who read my book, waiting so enjoy


He did a long lick on my pussy which made me make a light moan, he licked and sucked on my clit while I through my head back "yesss"I moaned while putting my hand on his head,still moaning from the pleasure he given me.

Don't get me wrong I was still scared asf but it calmed me down knowing that my sort of best friend is taking it...

I started to feel a knot in my stomach, I started looking worried, I didn't want to stop him cause it was the best feeling I ever had, all of a sudden "dave sum wrong" I said looking worried "why??? What's wrong" he got up, in between my legs

"Something knotting in my stomach"he started laugh "damn ma, your having orgasms or sum shit that women gets,you supposed to release that shitt"

I started to feel dumb

"Liyah, I don't think you ready" he said licking his pink soft lips "nah, I want it" he chuckled "nahh,well ima bounce" he said fixing his self "no,I wanna try again" he laughed again

"Baby, it's not there no more"he said which got me confused "what's not there"

"Y'know like the lust in my eyes,like the spark, you should know" he said looking me in my eyes

It got silent

I just wanted him, I leaned in to pecked him on his lips but one thing turned into another and he deepened the kiss leading to my neck

I moaned while rubbing on his abs under his shirt

A couple of mins later...

He pulled away checking his watch that was around his wrist "damn I gotta go mom's wants me back at 11:00"
"Ok well text me,my mom's supposed to be here in like 10mins anyway" "ight well ima text you when I get home"he said, leaning in to peck my lips a couple of times then left out the bathroom...

The next day...

"Good morning momma"I said as I kissed her cheek "hey babes,I sorry I didn't see you last night,I was tired"

"oh it's ok,I see how work is"

She smiled and looked and watch tv "how is dave"she asked looking back at me, I started feel heat burning my cheeks as I thought about last night,I tried to hide it

"Oh dave is dave y'know" "oh"she started to giggle then went on her phone "so how is yo boyfriend that always making my mom's smile" she started laughing

"He is good, we got something special for you but we not telling you yet"she said smiling

I knew something popped up cause she been happy for a couple of weeks

"Ok but make sure I like it like it not no you think I like it" she made a funny face that made me laugh "girl you betta go to school"she said as I walk towards the door giggling "see you later"I yelled

"Later,love you"she yelled back

At school...

I walked in the building seeing familiar,people I see every day, today gonna be a long day

After school...
I haven't seen dave in any classes I had with him, which made me feel werid I guess

I started walking home,then I started to see a small crowd of people that includes dave too,I didn't want to go by them but I had to get home,now as you can see dave is popular,he never wanted to be well that's what he said but he social and his looks make him be that way.

He's smart and he hardly show emotions,but he makes every girl wanna be with him,sum girls even wanna be my friend because of how close we are.

Once I walked around the crowd Dave noticed me " liyah come here" he said looking at me as I just look at the time on my phone as I walk over to him

"What's up"I said try to not sound nervous "what's up with you"he said putting his arm around my neck, making the girls rolled there eyes as I just crossed my arms "nun just chilling" "damn she fine" I heard a boy said lowly while he smoked

I smirked alittle, I guess dave noticed"ayy you want me to walk you home??"he asked,getting my attention back on him "ight" I said

while we still walking we was talking about the usually as we was still walking,I saw this girl comin to us,smiling at dave which made me feel sum type of way,I stopped as I let them talk

She was getting on my nerves keep on talking,the last thing I heard was

"Ok ima come by yours in 30 mins"she was about to make me get an whole attitude towards her so I just started walking awa3

A couple of mins I felt dave grabbing my wrist "hey what's up with you"he said confused "you tryna play me like yo other hoes"I said jerking my hand away from him "ayy lose the attuide" he grabbed my hand even tighter which made me stopped

"Why you grabbing me like this"I said doing a quick look at my house that was like a min away from me "cause you can't listen,so damn stubborn"he said lookin at me me with dark eyes "I'm listening,can't you loosen your grip now"

"Man what ever you comin by my house or not"he said looking around the neighborhood, I looked at him again then looked across the street to see his house "what happened to your hoe that's coming to your house in 30mins??" I said look up at him while my arms was cross,he chuckled

"So you jealous now??"he said looking at me with hooded eyes "I'm really not,but dont play me like I'm stupid"he chuckled

To be continued...


Stay tuned...hopefully y'all like this chapter... Thank y'all for reading my chapter.

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