chapter 32

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Hey y'all... I'm sorry that I that I was a day or two over due... I've been reading other books, that's really good... I'll give y'all the book titles I guess at the end of the book.



6 months later...

Man I don't know where to start... But may baby is coming in a month or so, we didn't want to know the gender, I'm excited for Kairi see her little sister/brother but she's been off every since I told her. I still don't know if the baby is mines or not but why not be happy. I also got have 50 percent custody, now I can see ma daughter if I wanted too.

Me and liyah been great, I'm still living with her cause she's good company,more like bestfriend with benefits... Just know it complicated. I also pay her rent and other bills, if you think I'm just living with her without paying.

So now before I get on tour, I'm gonna introduce Kairi to liyah cause I think she should her who puts a smile on ha daddy's face.

"Daddy, I'm hungry" kairi whined as I looked in the rear mirror "you just ate like an hour ago" I paused, I took a glimpse of her in the mirror " ight well we almost at the restaurant"I said looking back on the road



I looked over my outfit, today I'm going out with dave and his daughter Kairi

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I looked over my outfit, today I'm going out with dave and his daughter Kairi.. Yes, I am nervous but I've been wanting to meet her since dave has told me he had a daughter. I'm also gonna have a small conversation to dave about this unprotected sex that we've been doing, I mean the sex is extreme but him leaving his seeds in me is not happening again.

Of course I want kids but not right now... We in a awkward position, he already have a baby comin that can be his and he just got to see Kairi and all type of stuff, he just not ready for a baby and neither am I so I've been taking a plan b to stop me from becoming pregnant.

He also got to get on tour and I got some calls from the breakfast club and they want me to be on the radio with them, I might even suprise dave on his tour a couple of times cause I might miss him.

So this is an update chapter about what's going and I hope it answer y'all question that y'all might have...

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