chapter 40 [final]

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I feel heart broken, I haven't been home in 2 weeks so I've been staying with janae... She's been a help.

Since janae is moving back to Florida, I'm goin with her.

This time I can't for give him... He broke ma heart so many times and I can't do it so I'm going back over there pack all ma stuff and leave. I know it's gonna be so hard on kairi but I have live on.

I look over at janae with worried all over ma face "he's not here"

" so tf... This yo fuckin penthouse and if you want to go in there, you can go in there" janae said gettin out the car with ma keys in her hand

We got out with all my stuff. She hopped in the car " I'm going back in there.. I forgot sum" I yelled as she nodded goin on her phone

I wrote a note... And decided to leave it on the table where Kairi eat at sometimes

Soon I left


I got home and everything looked different I just couldn't figure it out.

"Daddy I miss liyah" she said with her hold my hand as I looked down at her.

"Me too, stank"

"Did you made her angry" she said looking at me

"Go play" was all I said while I ealked to dining table seeing a note

" I don't want to play without liyah" I smirk

" I'll play with u in a lil while" I grabbed the note and opened it

Dear dave

l loved you since I was 15... I always forgiven you. I don't know what to say anymore cause I'm lost for words.. I know kairi is goin to have it hard so please be the good father I know you is... I'm leaving you and I'm gonna live ma life with the one I love the most... You'll always be apart of my heart dave.

I love you and kairi but I will not put up with this... I'm moving to a better place.

Love, liyah

A tear fell down... This is not what I wanted but it's something I expected


"You ready" janae asked as I looked at the plane " yep"I rubbed ma stomach.


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