chapter 4

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Y'all enjoy,I worked hard on this...

6 years later


My photographer started taking pictures of me while my manager watched as I posed

My photographer started taking pictures of me while my manager watched as I posed

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"Yaaasss work it"I heard my manager,Janae said which made me bust out laughing

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"Yaaasss work it"I heard my manager,Janae said which made me bust out laughing

"Take 5" Janae said as she walked up to me "damn you always find a way to impress me"she said helping me up out the water

"Thanks nae" I grabbed my towel while walking towards the dressing room "I'll be right back"I yelled as I grabbed my phone

Once I got settled I called my momma that I haven't talked to in a min.

"Hey mom's" "hey baby,how you doing"she said all sweet "I'm good,how's my little man"I said smiling "he is good,starting to get anyway what's gonna be yo next move"

"Well I'm going back to New York for a few magazine's shoots"

"oh that's so good,you making big moves I see ,but come back to Chicago right after you finish with everything cause I missed you so much" "ok, I will, I miss you too"

"oh ok..... my baby making it to the top"she said making me laugh

"Well I got to go but I love you and tell my lil man I love him and I'll be there in a few weeks " "ok love you too" then I hanged up and sat back on my chair thinking


Back in New York

"You ready,cause if you not I'm not gonna push you to do anything"dave said looking at down at me "no I'm ready"I said looking up at him

He slid inside as I held my breath from the pain,he did a couple of strokes which made it felt better

He balanced the pain and pleasure out "hmm yesss"I moaned as he went deeper and harder "damn"he groaned as he went a little faster, in his head he probably thinking this shit tight as fuck.

A few mins...

He stopped and got up "bend that shit over"he demanded low and raspy which made me wetter,I looked in his eyes and all you see was dark, filled with lust,I got up and start to feel my legs getting weak already, I bended over

He slid in which made me hissed from the pain again

An hour later...

"Yaasss, fuck"I moaned loud as he went faster and deeper,at this point he made me cum about 3 or more times,we went on for quite a time "damn,shit"he grunted as he slowed down holding my hips,he went deeper as he slowed down

Once he stopped he took the condom of his dick and tied it up and put it in the trash,I was so sore that I couldn't walk "you ight"he asked as he went to his connected bathroom to get a towel "yea, I'm ight"I said getting up a little "you need help"he asked

It was weird cause I didn't seen him as my friend no more, I wanted him to be more than just a friend

"I'm good"I said looking around for my clothes "here"he said holding up a towel for me to wipe myself

For some reason he's acting different and being nice for some reason.. It's weird to me cause he being alittle more gentle with me...which I can tell he feeling a lil bit bad..

"Dave,what's wrong?"

"What makes you think sum wrong??"he asked as I grabbed the towel "I don't know you just acting different a little"I got up and went to the bathroom then crack the door open so I could hear him

"Man,I  fucked up"he said lowly where I could still hear him,I just act like I didn't hear him while I wiped myself down,I would take a shower but it will be a waist of my time knowing he probably didn't want me here

I was angry even though I didn't show it

Flashback over..

"Ok time to go"Janae yelled which slapped me out of thought "damn alright, you ain't gotta yell"I rolled my eyes a little as I walked with her back to the shoot "so you excited about New York"she asked "well who's not,I haven't went back there in 6 years" "oh so we should spend alittle more time there, I have some friends over there that I can introduce to you

"Ok that's coo'"


Ok so y'all like the flashbacks,I tried my best to explain and all that... And the sex scenes will be better...

720 words...

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