chapter 27

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"So was dinner good"my mom came in with a cup of sprite for me "good? Mom that food was the shi- it was beyond good" I stopped my self

Right now I was sitting down on the couch drinking my sprite

"So how you like life"my mom smiled "life is good, there be some things that makes me want to just be in a bubble" her eyebrows formed into this worry look "like what?" "Mom, right now I don't wanna think about it... Im basically on vacation"I took a sip of my sprite

"Mmm, well have you seen dave since you been out there... New york can be small" I smirked and giggled alittle bit "yea I've seen him around" "well that's good"she paused and sighed"um I have something to tell you, and I don't want you to think about you, just think about your lil brother"I grew worried.

I nodded slowly "ok well um, Adrian dad is out of jail and he want to see Adrian"I looked around angrily "so you going to?" I asked calmly "I'm doing by myself...the least he can do is to teach him how to be a man" she said "my little brother, my only brother, around him? you know what he did to me ma, he did so much to me that I don't want me or my lil brother around him" I stood up getting my stuff

I was so angry that I didn't even know that I was shedding a tear " look he needs a father figure....and I can't teach Adrian everything on how to be a man...I can only do so much and you know that" I just kept on getting my stuff

"He dont know how to be a man so why?....." I paused and looked at my mom in the eye "he killed.... My child" I turned around and walk out of her house leaving her speechless...

I got in the car and sat there shedding tears until my phone started ringing outta nowhere " hello" I said low "hi, are you Aliyah jones?"I furrowed my eyes in worried mode"uhh yeah" "well Mr. Brewster is in the emergency Memorial Hermann Hospital" my heart started beating fast
___________________ its short but it's a good chapter right?.... Now ima just leave yall with the pieces...

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