chapter 1

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Hey y'all so this is the first chapter please forgive me if they have an mistakes!!!

6 years ago....


As I walked up to the bleachers getting ready to see the game

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As I walked up to the bleachers getting ready to see the game.. I seen Dave's mom and his little 6 year old brother that was on his phone "hey Mrs.East"as I gave her a side hug "oh hey baby,I love your dress"she said hugging me back...

"Why dont you sit next to me"she said with a big smile "you sure cau-" she cut me off "no you good, so you seen dave play before"  "well kind of ,when we walking he will always have that ball in his hand, bouncing it"I said getting annoyed of just thinking of it

"Yep he do that alot"she said laughing while I sat next to her

6 minutes later...

The game begin...

As I watching the game, I seen dave

I smiled looking at how focused he is, bout to make a three-pointer " he good, ain't he?" She said leaning over to me which slapped me out of thought "yea, he aight" then she started laughing

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I smiled looking at how focused he is, bout to make a three-pointer " he good, ain't he?" She said leaning over to me which slapped me out of thought "yea, he aight" then she started laughing

1 hour later...

Once the game was over I started to wait for dave to come out "you want me to wait for y'all"Mrs.East said walking off the bleachers "nahhh, I think we gonna walk" "oh ok,be careful ok?"she said walking to the exit door "ok"as I started smirking at her to let her know we going to be good

6 minutes later...

Once dave walk towards me there was a girl that stopped him to talk, I rolled my eyes cause of course they would do that cause he's good looking, he play ball and he's smart everything a girl would want

After he was done talking he started walking towards me smirking, "hey mamas"he said hugging me around my waist "hey dave" as I hugged him back

"So how I did"he said picking up his basketball "you did good"I said looking at him dribbling the ball "what good???" He asked while he stop dribbling the ball "man I did that shit"he said smirking at me

"Ok fine you did magnificent"I said as we started walking "yeah?? Well I'm over magnificent too"he said while bouncing the ball, as we walked out the exit door "so who was that girl"he started laughing

"Why?? You jealous"he said putting his arm around my neck as we walked "nahh"I said lieing "she gave me her number, that's all"he said handing me her number, I started laughing " Sasha's number 357-756-1760"I said reading the note out loud then hand it back to him

"I don't want that shitt,she wasn't that bad any way"he said laughing while ripping up the note...

"you know,no one can replace you right?"he asked out the blue "yea,I know"I said while looking up at him as we continued walking and talking about regular stuff

5 minutes later...

While we walked in our neighborhood I didn't see my mom's car outside which means she's not home...

"You wanna come to my house ?, my momma not here" I asked looking at my house "shid,my mom's is, did she come to my game"he asked looking across the street to his house "yea, I told her we will be walking together" I said as we walk in my drive way

"aight, well lemme go take a shower first"he said as I open the door to my house "ight" I look back watching him jogged across the street to his house

10 minutes later....


Once I was done taking a shower and putting on my clothes, I walked out ma room "where you going??" My mom's asked "I'm going by liyah's" I said looking at the time "ok but be home by 11:00" she said looking at me with a little smirk, me being me,...

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Once I was done taking a shower and putting on my clothes, I walked out ma room "where you going??" My mom's asked "I'm going by liyah's" I said looking at the time "ok but be home by 11:00" she said looking at me with a little smirk, me being me, I brushed it off cause I didn't care what she was thinking about right now cause I knew...  She always wanted me and liyah together but I don't think that would work.

Aaliyah is not ma girl,we grew up with each other since we was in diapers...but I don't see her as anything more than that, she always have been there fo me tho...but I ain't gonna lie and say I don't flirt...

I put on ma jacket and left...soon as I arrived at her house, I opened the door with the emergency key

"Yo liyah" I yelled loud enough for her to hear "wassup" she said coming down the stairs "nun"I said sitting down on the couch "I'm surprised yo mom's let you out for a min" she said as she sat next by me.

"Yo,let's watch a movie or sum shitt" I said while looking at the tv... Ignoring her statement.


Hey y'all I hope yall like this chapter...if you didn't well I promise it will get better so stay tune💙💙!!!

Dave's mother "Mrs.East"


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