chapter 14

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It's been a couple of days since my other chapter but y'all I'm probably weird but school is coming up and I'm so excited...going back to highschool,girl getting old but y'all enjoy,I just wanna put that out for those who going back to School.


I looked at her smiling and laughing at my slicks jokes. The laugh died down "so how breezy been treating you"she rolled her eyes and smacked ha teeth while smirking "ofcourse he treat me right,if not then why I'm with him?"she asked sarcastically

"Yea whatever betta treat babygirl with respect"my phone ding. I looked at my phone and see a text message from my Babymomma millie, 'hey ya daughter want to talk to you before she goes to bed so be ready when I call you around 7' I smacked my teeth and sat my phone back down

"What's up"liyah asked while covering ha mouth with food "millie,she's my Baby's mother" "whats up with her,seem like you don't like tha bitch" "look she knows I trying to be a father to Kairi but I'm not gonna be with my baby everyday cuz we stay far from eachother and I also go on tours so I see her every other day, so now I'm on child support which makes no sense."

I hate being away from ma child,it's already bad enough that her parents not together. I just feel like child support is making it hard for me to even see ma daughter so I'm gonna have hire a good ass lawyer.

"Well you'll be good,you will always find a way outta sum" I chuckled "yea you right"


I opened the door for her as she got in the car. Then closed it,I jogged to the driver's seat

I looked at her "where else you wanna go"she smirk "well I guess we can go shopping"she played with her hair "hell nah,you shop long" she smack ha lips "well let's got to the movie theater's then"she glanced down at her phone then back up at me "what you wanna watch then"I leaned back in my chair "I wanna see lion king"I looked at her like she out ha damn mind,she looked at me then laughed

"What"she chuckled "baby you wanna watch lion king"I asked "yea,why not?"I chuckled then started the ignition and glanced back at her staring at me "yo you good" "yea just waiting for you to say what you was about to say"she smirked

"Man we can go but I might not watch that shit"


We went straight to the movie theater's and got in to see a couple of people there. I started to walk off while dave was paying fo us. I started looking at sum  snacks until I felt sum body burning a whole through me. I looked around and saw a group of girls.

One girl walked towards me by her self "hi,my name is ashlie,did you walked in with dave"she asked getting straight to the point "uh why you wanna know"I through the question back at her

"Cause he been with me all last week and I just wanna tell the woman he seeing"I laughed "babygirl,he not ma man" I felt a hand snake up to my side,I look at my side to see dave. "What ya doing"he asked me while pushing my towards him with his hand still wrapped around me


After the movie

We started walking out the theater I quickly got in the car with out him usually opening it for me, he looked at me confused then started the ignition

Don't get me wrong dave coo' I just dont want nun of his broads coming up to me talkin bout some ' I just wanna tell the woman he was seeing'. But I enjoyed myself. Lion king was amazing and Beyonce voice tho.

"So wuddup with you"he asked liting the blunt he had "nun,I had a good time"I faked a smile,he chuckled "baby I know you betta than you know ya self"he exhaled

"Look just keep ya bitches in check" I smirked to let him know I'm not really mad "my bitches always in check"he inhaled "yea well this one wasn't" " I'll talk to ha"I gave him that bitch please look "y'know what-,where else we going"I asked changing the subject

"M tryna chill"he eyes were hooded. Welp he already high "dave you want me to drive"I asked "fuck no, it's ma car,you probably don't even know how tuh drive this motherfucka" I rolled my eyes "you don't know what I can do,shid if you do kno-"I glanced at him "what you know that I don't know that you can do" I chuckled "that's for me to know and not for you to find out"he chuckled "yeah?" "Hell yeah,na getcho ass so I can drive us safely"he open the door and glanced at me.


Hi so this is the chapter

Alittle long

School coming!!!so excited!!

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