chapter 5

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Hey yall,it might took me along time to update but y'know. Summer,so I finally found time to update...

oh and I was also reading other people books on wattpad to get me better at writing and to get the sex scenes in better place.


Dave East

I was in the studio listening to my part of the song "is you down" that I just did for bout a 2 weeks ago while I was listening I was rolling my blunt "yo that shit is lit"I was done rolling the blunt,now ready to light it up

"Y'know I got you man"my engineer "Darius"said, no one I know that can work my shit like I like it other than him

Right when I started to feel high here come my baby momma, wanna call and shit "yo, wuddup"I answered annoyed "yea, um when you coming to get her? I gotta date" she always did that shit when she know she got people by her that can watch my daughter, she know I got sum shit to do with my career

"Yea,whatever"I said hunging up in her face,I really don't care for her, our relationship is strictly coparenting

"Yo, G I gotta go but make sure that shit sounds good for the release party" "aight,y'know it's gonna be dope, but I'll see you later" he said dabbing me


"Yo,I'm at yo house, you gonna bringing me ma child or nah"I said aggravated "watch your tone dave we'll be out"she said hanging up in ma face

Five minutes passed...

I got on my phone looking at my dms and messages that was filled up with a bunch of women throwing themselves at me, by time I got off the phone they came out "took you damn long"I said to her while unlock the door so she can put the carseat in the car

"Damn,my bad" she put Kairi in her seat and her clothing bag on the floor "wassup lil mama"I said to kairi, watching he smile "you can't speak now?"I tickled her,she started laughing

"ok, daddy ok"she said as I stop then looked at her "hey daddy"she said which made me smile

I love her to death, we have this stong bond which we had ever since she was born now she is 3 years old,she's growing on me

Her mom closed the door hard as shit, I just shook it off and look back at kairi again "you buckled up, lil bit" she shook her head for yes "baby,what's up you can talk or sum"I sound concerned

"Mommy said sometime I need to stop talking"she said with a smile. She got me fucked up talking to my daughter like that,but it's cool tho

"Nahh,I don't like that rule,when you around me,you can talk for as long as you can" I looked at her through the rear mirror

"Ok,daddy" she smiled as I droved off "where you wanna go to get sum to eat"I glanced at her through the rear mirror

"Can we go to Chick-fil-A?" she asked "yea,whatever you want"


We got home with our bag of food "thanks,daddy"she said coming in while drinking her drink through the straw

"you welcome baby girl"I kissed her on he forehead then went to the living to sit down on the couch as she followed and do the same thing "you like living with mommy?"I asked out the blue

"sometimes but sometimes I want you with me"she answered while eating her waffle fries, I hate being separated with ma child,I wanted her to be with me,live with me but her crazy ass momma who has full custody of my daughter so the only time I really get to see her is when ha momma on a date or sum shit like that but I'll take ha ass back to court. Soon.

"Y'know why I can't be with you everyday right?"I asked her "yes"she said soft and low.

"One day we'll be together and have fun,what you think about swimming?"I asked her cause I know she like the water "yes yes yes"she put her waffle fries on the side of her and hugged me

"You want that lil bit?"I asked her while pickin her up on my lap "yea, I love you"she said lowly layed her head my chest "love you too baby girl"I put her back on the floor "ok lets go and get you clean so we can chill"I walked over to her bag then pull out sum clothes for her to sleep in


Ok this has been a short story but I hope y'all get the story line.

Which life is better so far?? Aaliyah or dave??

Im just asking!!❤❤

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