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"It's so nice to finally meet you."

Agent Y/n L/n, a trained professional who was deemed the worlds youngest shield member, and was also the most advanced member they had as well (in terms of human advancement, obviously).

You were the smartest in shield, and you worked with advanced technology that could be compared to Stark's suits, and what are you stuck with?

Baby sitting, not even a child, but a hormonal teen who is obviously an emotional wreck, a teen who is your age.

Nick Fury is not one you should argue with, but when he told you this was the mission you were going to be accompanying, you raised some questions. First of all, why you? Why do you have to watch him? Shouldn't spiderman be able to handle himself? Apparently not.

Fury explained that spiderman, aka Peter Parker, has not been very willing to work with him, and he needed someone to follow him on his school trip to make sure he stayed on task. The task being to help a guy claiming to be from a multi verse.

When Quentin Beck told you guys his story, you were very skeptical, and you tried to express your concerns with Fury but he wasn't having it. He dismissed your thoughts and continued to trust Beck, you on the other hand kept your distance from the mysterious man.

Back to Parker, you really are going to have a hard time with this one, you weren't very...emotional, and Parker seems to need someone to empathize with, and you are not that person. Some people speculate strange rumors about you, even going as far to claim you aren't human, and you're actually a machine that Fury bought. Just to clear the air, you aren't a machine. You're human, you bleed red, just like everyone else.

But you have to do this, it's a mission you were assigned, and you always accomplish your mission.

Fury implemented your information into the school system and got you into Parker's school trip, you were going in as a homeschooled kid who wanted to participate on the trip. Although it sounded sketchy, it somehow worked out smoothly, and you were able to accompany him.

A few students were weary of you, and said you were weird, but it didn't bother, not much did anyways.

Currently you were sitting on the plane with your chin on your hand, flipping through a random magazine you found. You were waiting for Parker to load on, and he seemed to be taking forever.

Finally he showed up, talking to a boy as they both made their way done the aisle. The boy next to him raised an eyebrow and Peter stopped in his tracks when he saw you. You looked up and stared at him.

"Is that the homeschooled girl?" the boy asks and Parker hits him on the chest lightly.

"Shh," he told the boy, "I'll explain."

You haven't officially met Peter Parker in person, you only exchanged a conversation over the phone yesterday, to explain what you were going to be doing, and he didn't seem to happy...

"Parker," You say coldly, "I saved you a seat," You tell him, gesturing to the empty seats on either side of you.

Ned frowns, "can I sit next to him?" He asks you.

You roll your eyes and get up, reluctantly Peter and the boy fill in their seats, and you sit down next to Peter. You turn towards the unknown boy and scan him before speaking up.

"I'm Y/n, who are you?" You ask bluntly, not really caring that much, all you had to focus on was Parker, and this guy didn't seem that important.

"Uh," the boy says and rubs his neck uncomfortably, "Ned, do you know Peter?"

You shift in your uncomfortable seat, "you could say," you shift your gaze over to Peter and slit your eyes, "does he know?" You mouth at Peter.

Peter nods and you huff, how stupid, he shouldn't tell people if he wants to keep his identity a secret, "Okay then, let me explain myself," you start, an irritated tone coming over your voice, "I'm agent L/n, I'm here to assist Parker on his school trip to make sure he stays on task."

Ned nods excitedly, "you're his assistant!" He innocently comments.

Your blood boils at his comment and your eye twitches, Peter's eyes widen at Ned's comment and he looks between the two of you.

"No," you hiss at Ned, "I am not an assistant. I am a trained professional that has to make sure he does what he needs to do. I fight enemies, not bring coffee to emotionally unstable teens." You calm yourself after snapping at Ned, you smooth your shirt and look away from him.

Ned chuckles for a moment and whispers something to Peter, which makes Peter laugh, but they both quickly stop laughing when they meet your glare.

"Is there a problem?" You ask the two, and they shake their heads no, you seem to intimidate them and it almost makes you chuckle, almost.

this is going to be a long flight...

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