Not What I Meant - part 5

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It's almost impossible to think of a universe without danger, wether that be one without petty thieves or supernatural villains wanting to take over the world, there is no way there's a universe out there that doesn't have something dangerous goin...

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It's almost impossible to think of a universe without danger, wether that be one without petty thieves or supernatural villains wanting to take over the world, there is no way there's a universe out there that doesn't have something dangerous going on.

Although you wished there wasn't any crime, you technically wouldn't have a job without it. So, even though you hate having to always watch your back, you have to appreciate it to a certain degree.

But right now it's one of those moments where you wish everything could just vanish, much like the blip; but on a smaller scale. You're left by yourself while Peter is out doing god knows what.

You have a sheer moment of panic before thinking, what can I, just some normal human, do while some evil water monster is attacking this town?

Obviously, there isn't much, but you know that most of your group will be heading to the museum, so you run as fast as your ankle will allow you, hoping to get there before any damage is done.

Running on your ankle is tough, and it forces you to stop and take frequent breaks, but after you turn a few corners you run straight into the middle of the exact group you're looking for. Bewildered, they look at you with confusion written all over their faces, evident they have no idea what's currently going on.

You put your hands on your knees, taking a quick moment to catch your breath, "we need to go!"

You're too late though, a mix of water and rubble come crashing down towards you guys. A few people scream, alerting everyone in the surrounding area of danger.

You direct the group to the safest spot and hobble behind them, avoiding crumbling buildings and the destruction that litters the street. As everyone hides in a small building near by, you go out and watch someone enter the fight.

A green, misty cloud attacks the water, forcing it away from the civilians. You roll your eyes, knowing who showed up. Beck is now here, saving the day. Suddenly, you start to wonder about Peter, and it where he is. It seems you're not the only one either.

A boy speaks up, catching everyone's attention, "where's Peter?" He asks.

You turn to walk back inside and answer him, "probably got stuck somewhere; why does it matter? There's other people missing too."

His glare is directed towards you, but he doesn't say anything else, he only mumbles to himself.

One of the group leaders look between both you and the boy, and he holds his hands up, nervously chuckling, "okay, let's calm down. No need to get hostile."

Your face screams your annoyance, so everyone turns away, not wanting to look at you directly in fear of upsetting you.

As the group goes to hide somewhere, you step back out of the building and look around, trying to think of where Peter might be.

Something seems to catch your attention, and in the corner of your eye you see a giant tower start to fall forward. You look around, fear stricken, hoping no one is in its direct path. Before it has a chance to fall though, you watch as webs start to stick to its crumbling sides, and Peter pops into view.

You silently thank him, knowing you'd never admit that to him. Just as fast as he appeared, he disappears inside the top of the tower, where the bell is located.

Something catches you off guard, a hand. It gently grabbed your shoulder, making you jump around, ready to defend yourself.

What you thought you were going to face; someone who was most likely going to rob you. What you actually face: the boy from earlier, now scared he's going to get punched in the face.

You shrug your shoulder, making him drop his hand, and you cross your arms, "what the hell?"

He lets his shoulders drop, knowing he won't get hurt now, "sorry, it's just I noticed earlier that you were limping. I wanted to come over and see if you're okay."

Your eyes slit, and you take a hesitant step backwards, "what's it to you?"

His jaw clenches, a vein pops out on the side of his forehead, "god can you not be a bitch for two seconds?"

You don't even know his name, what makes him think he can just say that to you? Yes, you may have been cold to him just now, but calling you a bitch wasn't needed.

Your fingernails dig into your palm, and your eyes spit fire, "I don't have any reasons to be talking to you guys, so I keep my distance, maybe I come off as a bitch, yeah, but you don't need to point out the obvious."

"You certainly keep close to Peter, are you guys hooking up or what?"

Not much makes you blush, but from hearing his words you feel heat rise to your cheeks, out of embarrassment and anger. And you want nothing more than to shove him away, but you can't.

"He's nothing to me," venom laces your words, and your body radiates heat.

Time stops in that moment when you hear the quiet sound of someone clearing their throat behind you, and you swear you could feel your heart drop down to your stomach.

Peter Parker didn't know how much he had begun to care about you until that very moment, he had thought you guys had begun to grow close as friends, but your words broke his wishful thinking, and now he's left standing there, not only embarrassed but also feeling like a hollow shell.

You snapped around and searched his deep brown eyes, instantly wanting to take back your hateful words.

When they say the eyes are the window of the soul, you always scoffed and thought it's just book talk, but now you know what they're talking about. Peter's eyes gloss over, although the rest of his face show no emotion, his eyes reveal everything.

A lump forms in your throat and for once you don't know what to say, "P-Peter...I didn't, I didn't mean it..."

He presses his lips together in a tight line, afraid his voice may come out broken. His shoulders tug upwards in a shrug, trying to play everything off as if he's fine.

"Wow," the guy next to you speaks up, breaking the intense silence, "point proven then, you guys obviously aren't together."

You go to hit him but a strong hand grabs your arm, preventing you from swinging at him, "let me go!"

Peter drops your arm, and you keep it glued to your side, he shakes his head in disapproval and walks away from you.

The guy comments one last time, "you fucked up."

You bow your head, anger runs through your system like poison; how could you say something so stupid like that?


Holy moly y'all almost a hundred reads for each chapter!

Thank you guys so much for the support, it really inspires me to push myself to write more.

Currently band camp is awful; I've gotten a headache almost everyday and I got stung by a bee. Tomorrow is my last day thankfully!!

Sorry for the delay in chapters, I want to publish at least three chapters each week from now on, school for me starts in August, so I want the book to be pretty far along before then.

Thanks for reading :)

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