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The plane ride certainly was... interesting, in the beginning at least. Peter wanted to switch his seat so he could sit next to some girl that you didn't really pay attention to. You watched as his plan he made with his friend Ned fall apart, and he ended up sitting somewhere way different than he intended.

Ned made up a lie saying Peter was allergic to perfume, and needed to sit away from the older lady in front of you guys (she was not wearing perfume, might you add). Unfortunately, this only resulted in Peter being stuck next to one of the teachers, and he had to watch as the girl he was eyeing sat next to some other guy.

You recall her name was something along the lines of Michelle, but you didn't want to strike up a conversation with anyone so you decided not to ask, instead you just watch from the sidelines.

The whole ordeal made you crack a sliver of a smile, you found it amusing at how fast his plan started to go off in the wrong path.

Soon after that was over though, it was back to a boring plane ride, which you tried to sleep the whole way, but you found sitting there at times, still awake, and unable to fall asleep.

Eventually everything passed by though, and now you're standing in line to pass through airport security.

Venice, Italy

You stretched your body as you stand behind Peter in line, you hadn't made much conversation with him, only exchanging a few words in the past fifteen minutes. It was a bit awkward, you weren't going to lie, but you were going to try your best not to become friends with anyone, considering you're here strictly for a mission.

Peter steps up in line for his bag to be checked, and his nervous body language catches your attention.

"There isn't anything in there, I swear," he says, fidgeting in place.

You roll your eyes as the lady unzips his bag, revealing his suit that has a bright orange post it note attached to it.

"This, no." The lady says, her accent coming out strong, she holds up a banana and Peter nods.

You let out a snarky laugh and he glances behind his shoulder to look at you, "nice pajamas, Parker." You lie, in case anyone around the two of you happened to peak inside his bag.

Peter's face flushes pink and he scowls at you, the lady returns him his bag and Peter takes a few steps away, allowing you to come up in line.

You hand her your small, all black book bag, her and Peter both raise an eyebrow at you.

You simply shrug, "I don't pack much," you answer.

She checks your bag quickly and you move on, making sure to stick close to Peter. You look around the airport, trying to spot the group you two are supposed to be with, but they seemed to have moved on, forgetting both you and Peter.

You frown and turn to Peter, "hey, Parker, they're gone."

He looks at you and furrows his brows, confused, "huh?"

You point in the direction the group most likely went, "they left us, you took too long."

He widens his eyes and grabs ahold of his bag, making sure it's secure, "shit, we gotta go."

He swiftly takes off and you let out a sigh, not bothering to run as fast as him, but you do quicken your pace. You almost start pushing people out of your way because everyone seems to be walking in the opposite direction of you.

"Move it," You tell an annoying group of preteens, who are gathered around in the middle of the walkway. They look at you in fright and quickly move to the side, letting you go through.

"We're here!" Peter yells at the teacher, letting the whole group know of his presence.

Here's a filler chapter for you guys, It's hard to write this as it pretty strictly follows the plot of the movie, and I need to rewatch the movie and pay attention to certain scenes. So if anyone has a good link to some online crack version or something could you give it to me?

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