Colors - part 14

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    Friendly conversations mix with the clinking of drinks, the small bar holds around fifteen people, some huddle in groups around the tv while other drink at the tables spread throughout the room.  Peter sits slumped in his chair, a hand wrapped around the cool glass that holds his,(nonalcoholic) drink. He watches the ice float around the top of his beverage, some submerging under the dark liquid as he swishes up his drink. He just saved the world, but why does he feel so low? After he put vulture to jail Peter felt good, knowing he saved the city from god knows what kind of criminal activity that was bound to spread. Now, he doesn't speak much, he just watches the people around him interact. Dreaming about a different life, one where he could *really* be happy. The passing of Mr. Stark hadn't hit him hard until now, where he finally realizes he'll never have the chance to tell Mr. Stark about all the crazy events that just took place. Never have that chance to tell him about how great his suit is, and what specific program he used in combat.

  The daughter of said man sits right next to him, who is also staring deep into her drink. Her hands lay tucked together in front of her on the bar counter, her mouth sewn shut as she refrains from talking. Peter wishes he could jump into her mind, whenever he looks at her it's always like she's off in some other realm, her mind in the clouds. She resembles her dad, in more than just a physical way. Yes they share similar attributes, but its more than a surface level. The way she calculates her moves before she makes them, or the way she teases Peter, it all reminds him so much of her dad.

"Come on," Beck is the one to break the silence, sitting forward in his seat and staring at the two melancholy teens, "we should be celebrating! I mean Peter, you did just save the world after all."

Y/n's gaze shifts from her cup to the man she hates so much, even now, she refuses to put past her feelings and try to get to know Beck. In one swift movement she pushes her stool back from the counter, gets up, and exclaims, "I'll let you two have your...bro time. I'm going to wait outside for a bit."

Peter's hand reaches around and grips the bottom of his stool, he was about to insist on her staying when Beck butts in and tells her she can leave. The young agents eyes flash to Peter's, they lock eye contact for a moment, no words are exchanged as she turns around and walks out of the small bar.

Her hands fly up to the necklace she keeps tucked under her clothes, and she remembers the fact that she's still wearing her opera dress.  The fire monster popped up before she could grab some clothes and change. So she has to slightly hike up the ends of her dress to sit on the curb outside of the bar.

  Tonight, the air is warm, and no stars are peaking out in the sky. Instead, the yellow glow of street lamps adorn the city, illuminating the walkways for residents strolling along. Y/n lets out a long waited sigh she's been holding in, and pulls the small locket off of her neck and pops it open. An old and faded picture of her and her dad stare back at the girl. The younger version of herself is smiling widely, with a missing front tooth, while her dad holds her up in the air, his armor on but the faceplate up, also exposing his wide smile. Y/n swipes her thumb over the picture, reminiscing the once happy life she had. Sadness builds up in her chest, freezing her heart. The familiar feeling of hot tears prick the corner of her eyes. She chokes back crying, and quickly puts the necklace back around her neck. But the hopeless feeling stays, it lingers in her mind like an obsessive thought.

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