Please Stay - part 12

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Intrigued. He's intrigued. Peter Parker doesn't fall shy of just simply being, "curious," no he's the whole definition of it. Eager to learn something. Sometimes he's a little more curious for his own good, but he can't help it. His curious nature is basic coding in his dna. A trait somewhere deep in his brain that pushes him to learn something more.

Now, have the most curious seventeen year old with access to Tony Stark's old technology like Edith, be put with the most closed off and quiet shield agent the same age together. Not the best pair.

When Y/n fell asleep on the bus ride over to the class's new hotel, Peter took it to his advantage. Asking Edith a million questions about the girl, all ranging from her relation with her father to the school she goes to. Most of it came up as classified by shield, which was what he was expecting. But, he did managed to wiggle out a few answers.

"Y/n Stark, formally known as Y/n L/n to the public eye. Born (birthdate) in Manhattan Community Hospital. Previously lived at the Stark's residence but now is staying full time at a shield training facility."

Unfortunately, that's about all Peter could dig up. It didn't dampen his spirits though, because he knew Y/n wouldn't want him to snoop around too much. When (if) she's comfortable with him, she'll tell him more.

The thoughts of Brad and Mj flooded his mind, but every once in awhile Peter would look down to the girl slumped in her seat next to him and all previous thoughts would vanish. He, himself already leaned against the side of the bus. So the two of them were made cozy in their seats.

Y/n's (h/c) hair was frizzy from rolling around in her seat, and some locks of hair fell out of place onto her forehead. Her features softened with every relaxed breath she took, making her look like a completely different person. One Peter almost couldn't recognize. Instead of her usual frown, her mouth was parted open slightly.

There's something about the feeling of the closeness of Y/n's thigh against Peter's own that doesn't let him notice the glances Mj was throwing his way. And the pressure of Y/n's body pressing into his while the bus turned a sharp corner distracted him from his phone dinging in response to a text from Mj. Instead of Mj, Peter entertained the thought of Y/n and him; how her hand would feel wrapped under his own, what her face would look like flushed from a blush, if she would go to his senior prom. It made him feel jittery, because she's right there, right next to him.

But he forced those thoughts out of head once Y/n stirred, just as the bus pulled up to the hotel parking lot.

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