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The only thing you could think when you stepped foot in the hotel was how gross it was.

Water had flood the place and there wasn't a dry spot in sight, meaning that everyone's shoes were soaked, which in return led to a lot of complaining. You had to give the teachers credit though, they put up with the complaints and tried to stay optimistic.

Fury was making you stay close to Peter everywhere he went, meaning you had to stay in the same hotel as him, he said it would not only look suspicious if you didn't, but it gave Peter an opportunity to wander off.

"It smells like wet dog shit," you muttered to yourself, not noticing Peter let out a chuckle besides you.

You glance to your side and see him smiling, you quickly look forward and pretend you didn't see him. Fortunately, the teacher told everyone to meet at the museum by three, so you took this opportunity to find your room and unpack some things.

You follow behind a group of three girls and walk towards your room, as you carry your bookbag upstairs one of the girls turns around to look at you. She has straight blonde hair and she's seems to be a little shorter than you.

You notice she's still staring at you so you raise an eyebrow, prompting her to say something. Her face turns pink and she gives you a nervous smile.

"H-Hi, sorry I didn't mean to stare, I just haven't seen you around." She apologizes, and you shrug.

Now you're up by your room door, and the three girls are to the right of you, they seem to be sharing a room next to yours, great.

"I'm Y/n, I'm homeschooled." You inform her, and she nods in understanding.

"Well, I'm Betty, and these are my friends Gwen and Tara," she points behind her at the two girls standing on either side of her, they both give a small wave when their names are called.

You awkwardly turn your mouth up in attempt to give them a friendly smile, "nice to meet you guys, I'm going to go to my room now."

You try your best to pull out your key and make it in your room as fast as possible, not wanting to further interact with them. Making small talk wasn't your speciality.

When you enter your room you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in, you exam the new area as you steady yourself. The room is crammed wall to wall with furniture, and the bed takes up half of the space of the room. To your surprise, there's a small flat screen sitting on a chested drawer, with a small mini fridge next to it. The closer you walk towards the tv the more run down it looks; it has a large chip in the side of its screen which spiders off in various directions. It didn't matter to you if there was a tv anyways, you weren't going to have enough down time to catch up on any shows.

The room's air is stale, and it smells faintly of cigarettes, making you scrunch your nose in disgust. You drop off your book bag on your bed and shuffle through it's contents.

You pull out a thick, black bracelet and snap it to your wrist, instantly on contact a holographic screen reveals itself, flashing a few inches away from your face. You type in your password and check in your location, a call comes through from an unknown ID, you sigh and click answer.

"Yo," you say, and back away from your bed, attempting to flip on the lamp next to you.

A voice crackles over your intercom, "we've talked about this, don't 'yo,' me Agent L/n."

Unsuccessfully, the lamp doesn't turn on and you let out a frustrated groan, "sorry boss."

"How's the spider?" He asks you, his voice like static.

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