Night Monkey - Part 13

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Never go against the family
All I ever have to do is sing
Never go against the family
When the root is strong, the fruit is sweet
Did you ever get to be a child?
Shake it up until it hurt?
Panic attack, stay the hell back
It's me and you against the world

Never go against the familyAll I ever have to do is singNever go against the familyWhen the root is strong, the fruit is sweetDid you ever get to be a child?Shake it up until it hurt?Panic attack, stay the hell backIt's me and you against the world

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Warmth. It spread through out your whole body. Being wrapped in Peter's arms was the closets you've gotten to anyone in years. A nice change from your usual relationship with people. Whenever you noticed someone starting to hang around you it usually took a few harsh words to get them to back off, but with Peter it's like you couldn't bring yourself to scare him away. Even when you tried to in the beginning, he remained unbothered.

"I'm sorry," you told him, pushing yourself out of his grip, "I didn't mean to- I just... sorry."

His eyes scanned your body, he didn't want to let you go so easily, but he had to.

"I didn't plan on saving the world this summer," he starts, and rolls his shoulders back, "I know it sounds selfish, but I just had this plan..." he stops himself before speaking about Mj. Peter sucks in a shallow breath and continues, "but I'm glad I met you Y/n."

You stand in front of him like a deer in the headlights, your gaze shifts down away from him. His words rattle in your mind, and you can't force the faint smile away as it forms on your face.

"Me too Peter." You say and take a hesitant step forward, now face to face with him.

Every line, every small scar, every soft splatter of freckles is visible on Peter's face. You can see the tightening of his jaw as he keeps it shut, or the way his eyebrows scrunch together on his face.

"It's not easy, being a hero," you begin, a certain sadness laced in your words, "I watched firsthand how it can make or break people. I've seen the way a person can break down from the weight of their responsibilities, but you Peter," your hand reaches out for the side of his arm, it finds its way and rests there. His muscles contract under your soft touch, it's such a shock for him to see you like this, in such a vulnerable state.

"You're a good person. You put yourself in danger for the safety of other people and you never think twice about it. I know how you're feeling right now, all you want to do is be normal, but it's hard to do that when you're the one who's secretly deemed Spider-Man."

He doesn't say anything, instead he lets you take full control of the situation, in fear of him doing something that'll scare you off. But, he nods in agreement to your words and lets his posture fall. He's tired, tired of his superhero life. Peter wishes he can just wake up one day and be Peter Parker. Not Spider-Man. He wants to experience his senior year as everyone else does. He wants to go to football games on Friday nights, not come home with bruised ribs and a black eye.

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