It Started With A Phone Call - part 10

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Five years ago a young girl at the age of only eleven was left alone after her family mysteriously disappeared

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Five years ago a young girl at the age of only eleven was left alone after her family mysteriously disappeared. The only thing that was left behind was the ashes of her loved ones.

The girl sat in her living room, beside her was a pile of her mother's ashes. The cold wooden panels sent chills up her legs as she let tear drops fall from her swollen eyes. Nothing felt real to her anymore and it's only been a few hours since everyone disappeared.

Her mother's phone and an old printed out email lay in front of her, both being unused at the moment. The girl didn't know who to turn to, now that everyone she loved was gone, so who better to call up then her father (the one who's been missing from her life since age two)?

Her mother claimed that Tony Stark was her biological father, and the girl believed it growing up. She told everyone at school that, and on the playground the other kids would make fun of her and claimed her mother was crazy. That never changed the girl's mind, until now.

When she made the decision to pick up her phone all her doubts she ever had increased by ten and loomed over her. They sat in the dark corners of her room, taunting her as her mother's phone rang.

She found a phone number from one of her mother's emails, dated back to 2007, the year the girl was born. Her mother was a reporter, and had worked with big stars like the Tony Stark himself. So, if it wasn't for a love email Tony Stark had sent her mother than the girl would be out of luck.

On the other end of the line the phone clicked, and a woman's voice answered.

"Hello? This is Pepper, how did you get this number? Who are you?"

"I'm Y/n Stark, and my family is gone, I finally wanted to call up my dad. Who are you?"

Peter sits across from Y/n, who is now burying her face into the sleeve of her shirt. He takes in the newfound information Y/n had just presented him with, questions forming in his mind.

"What about when Tony had to... you know..." Peter tries to ask, unsure of how he should exactly bring up her father's death.

Y/n begins to drum her fingers against the picnic table her and Peter are sitting at, the clock on her wrist telling her she doesn't have much time left to explain any further. She knows Peter is curious though, and he deserves to know the truth about everything.

"I started working with shield once I asked my father to put me in training classes. He saw potential in me I didn't even see myself, all I wanted when I was younger was to be able to fight like him," she sucks in a deep breath, her shoulders slouch forwards, "when he went to the end fight with Thanos, I almost knew he wasn't coming back. I stayed down on earth, to help protect any innocent people who needed it."

Peter puts his chin on the palm of his hand, his eyes dazzle with emotion. Y/n feels the need to gaze away from him.

Every passing minute it felt like the air between the two of them grew thinner, a tension that wasn't ever there before is now thick. It separates the two of them away from each other.

The teachers told the group as they were getting off the bus that everyone had fifteen minutes before they had to be back on. So far Y/n had used up five explaining to Peter about her past. She knows that they can't waste much more time, because Peter has to try on his new suit that shield made him. One specifically for this mission.

"Do you live with Pepper now?" Peter asks her, catching her away from her thoughts, "what about Morgan?"

Y/n narrows her eyes towards Peter, now he's delving into deeper water. Asking something that hits a bit too personal.

Peter realizes the question he just asked and quickly apologizes, knowing Y/n doesn't like to share too much. He feels embarrassment rise up his back like a ghost.

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to, uhm, I just- I'm curious and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable..." Peter stumbles over his words, his mouth conforming to the letters as he tries to form a complete sentence.

A few students walk by, and Y/n stays silent as they pass, making uneasy eye contact with them.

Once they're gone Y/n turns back to Peter, his eyes are fixated on a few pigeons nearby stumbling around in a puddle. She clears her throat for a second, Peter's head snaps back in her direction.

"Now that everyone is back from the blip," Y/n rubs the side of her face, the feeling of a faint headache is coming on, "the other side of my family is back, my mom's side. They haven't made any attempts at trying to contact me though..." her voice trails off into an end of sadness, and her eyelids droop low.

Peter has the urge to hug her, as that's always what his aunt has done to him when he had gotten upset, but he resists that urge. Y/n would probably prefer to be left alone anyways.

Y/n heaves herself up from the table and stretches out her back, "come on. You've got a new suit."

Peter frowns, he looks around at all the student still outside, "what? How am I going to get it? There's so many people here."

Y/n rolls her eyes and grabs onto his shoulder, pulling him up off of his seat, "just follow me."

Sorry for a short chapter, I thought I needed to add this in between scenes of the actual movie plot

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Sorry for a short chapter, I thought I needed to add this in between scenes of the actual movie plot.

Thank you all so much for you comments, it really makes me happy!!

A lot of you have said things like, "this is a really good book, very interesting, etc" and I feel honored❤️

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